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Taylor woke up with a start in her New York apartment when her alarm blared. She turned her alarm off, got out of bed, and begrudgingly walked towards the bathroom for a quick shower before she could fly out to California in preparation of her two back to back shows in Santa Clara. She had just performed her show in Seattle and that had been a huge success. The night of the show, she requested to be flown out to New York for 2 days before she prepared for her shows in California.

However, the feeling of home that New York once provided was not sufficient to fill the void that Taylor had inside.

Once she had showered and had a light breakfast, she looked around her 6-bedroom apartment and felt very lonely. Meredith and Olivia were with her parents for the duration of the tour but Taylor made sure to visit them or FaceTime with them whenever she could.

She still had two hours until her flight so she decided to pay a visit to her social media websites. The tweets and posts on Tumblr from her fans always put her in a good mood. They always made her laugh. She wanted to reach out to each and every one of them and personally thank them. She wanted to meet them all and be friends with them. However, she wondered if they would only want to be friends with her because she was Taylor Swift, the pop star and not Taylor Swift, the Girl.

Just as this thought popped up in her head, she went back into the funk that had been gnawing at her lately. She wanted to feel normal. She wanted to have normal friends. She wanted to do something normal for once.

Sighing and accepting that her life would never be normal, she called her security to see if they were ready to escort her to the airport.


Karlie, being the klutz that she was, fell on her butt while trying to haul a heavy box out of her dorm room. Karlie was in the midst of moving out of her dorm room into an apartment that she would be sharing with a girl, named Cara.

Living on campus was very expensive and while her student loan covered the rent expense, she did not have enough money left over after paying for her residence. Also, she was fully aware that it was a student loan and that she would have to pay it back once she had graduated. So, she decided to look into cheaper options. She found an ad posted online by a girl looking for a roommate and the rent was much cheaper than what she was paying for her dorm room. So, she decided to make the move.

Karlie did not own a lot of clothes and did not have an overwhelming amount of boxes, but her new roommate-to-be had insisted that Karlie borrow her car so she could easily move her things to the apartment.

When she arrived at the apartment complex, she found Cara waiting for her at the entrance looking chirpy. Cara Delevingne was a girl of average height, big blue eyes, and thick eyebrows that were to die for. She had beautiful blonde hair that reached down to her chest. Karlie had only met her once and had fallen in love with Cara's personality. She was the kind of girl who could put anyone in a good mood. Her English accent was definitely a plus and Karlie could not wait to hear that accent more often once she had moved in. While Karlie was happy to be moving in with someone as easy going as Cara, she was terrified too, because Cara seemed like the kind of person who had a lot of friends. She seemed like one of those popular girls who are the life of the party and Karlie was the complete opposite. This thought bothered her and she was afraid that Cara would think that she was a loser.

"Hello, friend! I am so glad to see you arrive in one piece," cried Cara running towards Karlie.

Karlie flashed her a big smile, which soon disappeared when she realized that Cara was talking to her car. Cara ran towards the car, bent down, planted a wet kiss on the car's surface and gave it a hug. Then she turned towards Karlie and enveloped her in a hug.

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