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A/N: Thank you so much for those who have been voting and liking this story so far. I know my updates are a little slow. Blame my university work and professors -_- but I try my best to work on this fanfic when I take a break from studying. As previously promised, I am not going to leave this fanfic unfinished :). Unless people stop reading it [ :( ].

I would also like to thank @Spookie2025 for their sweet comments on the previous chapters. Your comments motivated me to work on this chapter and publish it tonight. So, thank you :)

Happy reading, everyone! :)

The next day Karlie woke up in a strange and empty bed. The events from last night came rushing back to her and she couldn't help but be thankful for the fact that she had people that cared for her and loved her. For the first time in her life she didn't feel alone.

She looked at the time, it was only 8:30am and her classes were in the late afternoon. She wanted to go back to sleep but she couldn't due to some noise in the apartment.

When she opened the door of the bedroom, she heard the sound of Cara's singing, which was only trumped by the clinking of pots and pans signalling that Cara was in the kitchen. Karlie went out to the kitchen to see what all the commotion was. She was met with the sight of Cara singing and dancing around while attempting to make pancakes, which was adorable and heart-warming.

"She's so tall and gorgeous as hell...? Who's song are you butchering so bad?" Karlie jokingly asked Cara as she started helping out with breakfast.

"Ha ha, good morning to you too, my gorgeous giraffe of a roommate! It's my version of Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. Have you not heard this musical masterpiece?" Cara shot back. She hopped up on to the counter and let Karlie take over.

"Not if it's from her new album. I haven't heard her new stuff, other than Shake it Off, Style, Blank Space and Bad Blood since they play those on the radio 24/7," Karlie answered.

"What? You have not heard the rest of the album? Clean? Wonderland? YOU ARE IN LOVE?!!" a wide-eyed Cara asked. "Oh my God, I feel so sorry for you. It's almost been a year since she has released 1989. How were you breathing for the past 11 months? How are you still functioning? I need to change this right now," said Cara dramatically, as she hopped off the counter to grab her iPod and docking station from her bedroom. She plugged in her iPod and blasted the 1989 album for Karlie. Cara played her top-most favourite songs off the album first, and told Karlie little stories behind each song.

When breakfast was ready to be served, Cara turned the volume down a little and joined Karlie at the dining table. They were still listening to 1989.

"Did I tell you I am going to see Taylor Swift in like two weeks with Jourdan? She's flying down from Vancouver on the 1st and we see her on the 2nd of next month. Oh my God, I am so excited!" Cara exclaimed in excitement.

"That sounds like a lot of fun. From what I have heard and seen in pictures on the Internet, it seems like a great show. Taylor is killing it with all the surprise guests and Loft 89," said Karlie.

"Yea, she really is. I am very proud of her. I wish I had known of your existence sooner. I would have gotten you a ticket too. It's all sold out now, though. I'm sorry," Cara said with a pout.

"Hey, it's alright. I am sure you will have enough fun for the both of us. Besides, I am excited to meet Jourdan. More excited than I would be if I was seeing Taylor," Karlie replied, half lying. It was true that she was super excited to meet Jourdan because she had heard so much about her from Cara. But at the same time she was a little bummed about not going to see Taylor. She was a fan, not the overly obsessive kind. She wouldn't call herself obsessive and crazy, but she was definitely a fan of Taylor's music. She had all her old albums, except for 1989, but she had never been to any of her shows. Growing up, they never had enough money to go to shows so she had never been to a concert. But she did not want to share this piece of information with Cara because she knew it would make Cara feel bad about not taking Karlie to the show.

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