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A/N (CONTAINS A WARNING TOO!): ....and here I am breaking my promise again, lol. Well, I didn't really promise, promise. But I said I was going to update next year! Well I lied. Ha!

Honestly, I've just locked myself in my room and have been studying these past couple of days. And for my mini study breaks, I have been either working on this fic or going on Tumblr (of course!).

Just a slight warning: there is a sex scene in this chapter. After re-reading the chapter, I realized that I went into too much detail. So I erased it, thinking you guys probably wouldn't want to read it....

Anyways, without giving too much away...here is the eleventh chapter. Enjoy!


The next day Karlie woke up earlier than usual for a Saturday morning, not believing that yesterday had actually happened. She felt like it was all in her mind.

She made her way to the kitchen and started cutting up fruit for herself. She cut up a few strawberries, bananas, kiwis, and a pineapple. She layered some of the fruit she had cut up along with a handful of raspberries into a bowl and topped it with Greek yogurt. She then added another layer of fruit on top, drizzled a tablespoon of honey and sprinkled it with grape nuts cereal and cinnamon. Once that was done, Karlie fetched two eggs from the egg carton in the refrigerator to make scrambled eggs and bacon for Cara. Meanwhile she put two slices of whole wheat bread into the toaster and filled up two glasses with orange juice.

The whole time she was preparing breakfast, she was thinking about last night. She was playing the whole night over and over again in her mind, not believing a second of it. Now that the truth was out, were they still going to continue to be friends? Where did she fit in Taylor Swift's life? She knew where she fit in Alison's, but Taylor Swift is one of the biggest, if not the biggest celebrity of this day and age. Karlie didn't know what all the nitty-gritty details of a celebrity's life consisted of but, she was somewhat familiar with their lifestyle and Karlie did not see any room for herself in it.

Why would someone like Taylor Swift want to be friends with me?  

When the breakfast was all prepared, she brought Cara's plate of eggs, bacon and toast, and her bowl of fruit, bread and their glasses of juice to the dining table. As soon as she sat down at the table, reading today's newspaper on her MacBook, Cara's bedroom door opened and out walked the blonde, rubbing her eyes. It was as if the smell of bacon had tempted her to get out of bed.

"'Morning," Cara said.

"Good morning," Karlie replied.

"You made breakfast for me... again...?" Cara asked, as she took her place at the table, looking at Karlie.

            Karlie looked up from her screen and smiled at the girl sitting in front of her with cute bed hair. "Since you won't let me pay for the show last night, this is the least I could do to say 'thank you.'"

            "Aw, you didn't have to, babe. But thanks," Cara said and dug into her breakfast.

            Both Cara and Karlie were at a loss for words. They didn't know what to say. Cara wasn't sure if she should talk about last night's show with Karlie because she didn't know if Karlie was mad at Taylor or if they were okay. And Karlie wasn't sure what she was feeling at the moment so she didn't want to bring it up with Cara until she was 100% sure of her feelings. They ate their breakfast in silence.

Cara finished her breakfast first and being allergic to awkward silences cleared her throat loudly, making Karlie look up from her laptop screen at Cara.

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