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Taylor woke up at 5am for reasons unknown to her and she could not go back to sleep. She kept tossing and turning in her bed trying to find the right position that would put her back to sleep, but to no avail. Finally, she gave up and decided to have an early start today. Her first thought was to text Karlie to wake her up so she could talk to her. But then she thought that it would be cruel to wake Karlie up so early. Still, she couldn't stop herself from sending a short message, "Thinking about you..." She wondered if it sounded a little suggestive or creepy. But it was too early to think too much about it, so Taylor pushed it out of her head.

Taylor felt tired because it was too early for her to be up but since she couldn't fall back asleep, she decided to take a shower and then a bath. Taylor believed that taking a bath was synonymous to bathing in one's own dirt, which is why she always took a shower first and then a bath immediately afterwards. It was an OCD thing that she believed she had. Today she had enough time to take a shower and follow it up with a bath so that is exactly what she did.

Due to Taylor's super busy schedule, finding down time for herself, away from all the noise and cameras and flashes, was always difficult. It was almost impossible whenever she was touring. She always craved the quiet time away from all the stardom. She craved the normalcy. Even the simple act of showering and bathing until her skin turned all wrinkly was something she couldn't do. She almost always had to time everything that she did. She was usually required to take a quick shower and be on the go for an interview, or a show, or a meeting. Her career always required her to be traveling, working, writing, creating, and interacting with others, among many other things. In many ways she was the CEO AND the product.

So where many people might find themselves become depressed and lonely by being alone at 7am in a hotel room, Taylor was having the time of her life. She was alone and had time to do whatever she wished to do before all the craziness started again in preparation for tonight's second show in Columbus, Ohio. Her "fun" was only limited to the confines of her hotel room, but she was not complaining.

Taylor had brought her art supplies with her in hopes that if she found time, she could paint something. Painting flowers was her specialty, but every time she set out to paint something, she never planned ahead. She simply let her emotions and feelings guide her art much like her music. Taylor didn't think about what colour or what type of brush to use or what to draw. She would simply find her quiet time, play some music, and start painting.

Taylor took out a clean canvas and her other paint supplies and set up her canvas in front of one of the floor to ceiling windows in her hotel room. She put her iPod on shuffle and Alessia Cara's "I'm Yours" started playing. Bobbing her head and swaying her hips, she dipped her paintbrush in paint and started painting.

After about an hour and a half, Taylor's music paused for a split second and then resumed, signalling a notification. She looked to her phone and was delighted to see that it was from Karlie.

"Good morning, weirdo! I hope you are sleeping well, since it is only 5:30am wherever you are. I hope you are dreaming of rainbows and butterflies and unicorns and sunshine. It's touching to know you were thinking about me at 5am (or 2am your time). May I ask what exactly you were thinking? Was somebody missing me? ;) Lol"

Taylor wanted to reply right away but she couldn't. She had to wait to make it believable to Karlie that she in fact was on the west coast, which once again hit her with a pang of guilt. She read over Karlie's text a couple of more times. She thought it was pretty accurate, because Taylor did sleep well and even though she didn't exactly dream about rainbows, butterflies, unicorns, or sunshine, Karlie was pretty close. Taylor didn't remember her dream well but she knew Karlie was in it. She didn't see Karlie's face. Or even if she did, she didn't remember now. They were baking cookies together in Taylor's New York apartment and were having a great time. Taylor wanted her dream to come true so bad.

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