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Hey guys! Sorry this is just an A/N, not an update.

I'm sure most of you hate me, and I don't blame you (I'm so sowwy :( ). But I'M BACK!!!! 

I'm gonna keep this short because I know no one is interested in my life, everyone just wants an update. And it's understandable lol, but I will give you a little update of what's been keeping me busy and away from this fic these past few months.

So, I finished university (Yay!!!) and had my final exams in April. I wrote my final exam on the 20th of April and then went on a 2 week tour to Vancouver and Toronto. When I got back, the next day I started a new job. So all of that has kept me very busy. Work is still super freaking busy :( but I'm gonna make time to write this story because I made a promise to all of my readers and to myself that I wasn't going to leave this story unfinished. I hate when other authors do that. I'm not going to be one of them :)

Also, back in February I met someone super special. Its July now and we're madly in love  lol. We've only been dating for 5 months now, but I already can't imagine life without her. So she's kept me busy too, haha.

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and I really hope everyone here will forgive me for being MIA. But the next update will be very soon. I can't promise a set date, but just know that it will be soon.

Thank you for all the kind messages everyone has been sending me during the hiatus. I apologize for not answering, but I promise I read them all, messages, comments and anons on my Tumblr.

So thank you for being patient with me. Love you all. See you soon! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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