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A/N: I am SO sorry for the late update, lovelies. When I said I was going to be very busy in the summer, boy, I wasn't lying. The wedding and trip went very well, but now I am back in school :( So school, assignments, midterms, etc. are going to take up most of my time now. However, as I promised earlier, I will not abandon this story. I have a lot in store for Kismet. I have a lot of ideas. And I decide to put them all down in writing. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please vote if you do, and leave a comment below either way. Thank you!


A month had gone by since the first exchange of text messages between the two girls. They were both used to waking up to "Good morning" messages and going to bed to "Goodnight" messages from each other. During the day, they would talk about everything and anything – fashion, TV shows, pets, food, their shared passion of baking, and their favourite songs and movies, etc. There never was a dull moment in their conversation. Sometimes the messages would come in a little late, especially from Taylor. Karlie had noticed this and assumed that her new Internet friend probably had a busy work schedule, which was true but Karlie had no idea what kind of work exactly her friend was doing.

They often played 21 questions and took turns to fire questions back and forth so they could get to know each other better. Taylor was extra careful with Karlie's questions because she did not want to give away anything too personal. While she tried not to outright lie about some things, she often found herself in a dilemma where she did not have a choice but to lie. She hated herself for lying so early on in their friendship and to be building a friendship based on lies. Karlie, however, remained honest in her answers. She skirted around questions about her family and upbringing. With time, she would open up to Taylor and let her see her demons and the dark side, but she didn't think she should tell her everything so soon. However, within a few weeks of texting, Karlie had ended up revealing her real name to Taylor. Sometimes it bothered Karlie that her Internet friend knew so much about her, but she knew close to nothing about her friend. Her friend didn't even trust her enough to tell Karlie her first name. She also did not know where exactly Taylor was from. All she knew was that her friend lived on the west coast in America; whereas Taylor knew exactly what city Karlie was living in and what school she was attending. Yet, there was something so sweet, so innocent, so captivating about this stranger that kept her from voicing her thoughts, in fear that she would lose her.


"Cara, we both have an early morning lab to get to, so please wake up and don't make us late...again!" Karlie entered Cara's room for what seemed like the hundredth time that Wednesday morning. Cara barely acknowledged what Karlie said and pulled the blanket over the top of her head.

Ever since school had started, a week ago, Cara had been fashionably late to all of her morning classes. Karlie was annoyed at Cara's ability of being the first to wake up during summer vacation but now that school had started, it was a pain in the butt to get Cara to wake up on time for her classes in the morning.

"Cara, I mean it. I have your breakfast ready and I have also picked out your outfit for you. All you have to do is get out of your bed, get ready, and drive to school with me. This is the last warning. If you don't wake up, I am leaving without you. And this time I am not covering for you." Karlie was starting to get annoyed.

Cara yawned, stretched, and started sitting up. Just then Karlie's phone buzzed, bringing a smile to her face when she checked whom the message was from.

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