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Karlie could not remember the last time she was this nervous. Josh had texted her last night and had asked her to be ready by 10. He did not tell her where he was taking her, but had asked her to dress comfortably. She opted to wear dark blue skinny jeans, with a grey sweater and minimal makeup.

"Eat something, babe. You're going to have a great time with Josh. Don't sweat it," Cara said as the two sat together having breakfast.

"I know, I know. I just...Cara, what do you do on a first date? Like are there certain expectations? What if I make a complete fool out of myself? What if he thinks...that I'm a complete dork and doesn't want to see me again?" Karlie fired off some of the questions that were bothering her.

"Well, you are a dork so its better that he finds out sooner rather than later," Cara said playfully.

"Not helping, Cara," Karlie retorted.

"Karlie, you're going to be fine. Trust me. Just be your wonderful giraffe-self and I promise he's gonna want to do you right then and there," Cara said.

"Oh my God, shut up, Cara. You're not helping at all right now," Karlie said wide-eyed.

"I'm only kidding, babe. Loosen up!" Cara said between laughs. "Do you like him?" Cara asked point blank.

"What?" Cara's question caught Karlie off guard.

"Do you like him? His opinion about you seems to matter so much to you, so I just want to know if you like...really like this guy?" Cara asked again.

"I mean... I don't know. I haven't thought about it. I have only really met him like a few times. Twice, actually...not counting all those times he served me coffee at Tim Horton's. So, I don't know..." Now that Karlie thought about it, she realized that she hadn't really thought about Josh at all. All her time was taken up by either school, Cara or...Alison. She thought more about Alison and impatiently waited for her text messages and her calls more than she did for Josh's.

"Okay, then you shouldn't be worrying too much about what he thinks. It seems like you're still trying to figure out this guy and trying to determine whether you two should be a thing or remain friends. Who knows? You two might click, or you may not. So don't stress it. Just have fun. Text me if he bores you or anything and I will come rescue you," Cara finished.

Karlie shook her head, and said, "my knight in shining armour," with a raised eyebrow, ruffling Cara's hair.


Karlie was picked up by Josh at 10 sharp and they had been driving for fifteen minutes now.

"Will you tell me where we're going now?" Karlie asked, starting to get impatient.

"Have you ever been to Canada's Wonderland?" Josh asked.

"Uh, no. The last time I went to an amusement park was when I was a little kid in St. Louis with my family..." Karlie thought back on the times when she could be a little, carefree girl.

"Well then...Ms. Kloss, allow me to change that," Josh said with a proud smile on his face.

"What?! We're actually going to Canada's Wonderland?" Karlie was beyond excited. Josh nodded his head, smiling. "Shut up!" Karlie could not contain her excitement at the confirmation. "Oh my god, I'm so you have no idea," Karlie loved roller coasters and amusement parks.

"I think I got a pretty good idea from your reaction," Josh laughed.

They arrived at Canada's Wonderland shortly. After finding a parking spot and buying their tickets, they made their way in to the park. Karlie was acting like a kid in a candy store. She could not stop jumping, and pointing, and smiling that beautiful smile of hers.

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