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Karlie was a little surprised and disappointed to see that Alison had signed off. She thought that they were getting along well. "Maybe she got bored, and left," she thought to herself. Alison probably had better things to do than wait around for someone like Karlie to give her her number.

Feeling a little let down, Karlie decided to call it a night. She had had a long day with the moving and was feeling tired now. Before turning her laptop off, she couldn't help but take a screenshot of their conversation just so she wouldn't lose Alison's phone number. Sighing, she put her laptop away and let sleep welcome her.

Taylor had long since turned her laptop off and was lying in her comfortable bed, staring at her phone screen, expecting a message from the wonderful stranger from Omegle. All of a sudden, she wasn't very sleepy anymore. She was fully aware of her schedule for the next day. She was booked for a few appearances, including the taping of The Ellen Degeneres show to talk about her 1989 tour and the upcoming single for I Know Places. Finally, sighing in defeat, Taylor got up to make herself a cup of hot chocolate, to drink with some of her favourite cookies. She sat on the couch in the living room, watching TV and sipping on the hot beverage.


"Wake up, sleepy head!" Karlie was violently shaken awake by her loud and obnoxious roommate, Cara.

"What time is it?" Karlie asked groggily, trying to rub away the sleep from her eyes.

"It is time for you to get your nicely shaped ass out of bed and go on a run with me," came Cara's response.

"But I want breakfast first!" Karlie said tiredly.

"Just because I made lunch for you yesterday doesn't mean you are going to get special treatment from me all the time, princess. Don't let it get to your head." Cara said in an annoyed tone.

"Geez, okay there tiger. You are not a morning person, are you? Can you at least let me brush my teeth and change?" Cara groaned. "I promise to buy you breakfast. Just give me 20 minutes, please." Karlie tried to reason, getting out of bed, and frantically making her way to the washroom.

"Fine! But I get to pick where we have breakfast. And by the way, I may be smaller than you, but just to let you know this girl works up quite an appetite after a workout. " Cara called back, playfully.


Taylor had wrapped up her live interview with Ryan Seacrest and was just leaving the radio station. It was still too early for her liking. She had found herself on the couch in the morning when her alarm went off. She had slept in a very uncomfortable position and her muscles were sore because of that.

Her bodyguards, amidst the shouts of paparazzi and fans, escorted Taylor to the awaiting car, after she had stopped to take pictures and sign autographs for her beloved fans. As soon as she got in the car she got a call from her pal, Selena Gomez who had found out that Taylor was in California for a couple of days and wanted to see if Taylor would be free to hangout. Ever since Taylor had moved to New York, the girls seldom got a chance to hangout. Taylor was free at night so she decided to invite Selena over for dinner, thankful for the company and not having to worry about spending another night all alone in her Beverly Hills home.


Karlie and Cara entered their apartment, tired from the day's events. They had spent nearly 6 hours at the Eaton Centre, one of Toronto's largest malls. Both girls collapsed on a couch each, their legs sore from all the mindless wandering.

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