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The next day, the first thing Karlie did was send Alison a long and cute 'good morning' message. Then she got out of bed and walked over to Cara's room to check up on her. She had a strange dream last night where Cara was yelling at her because she was mad at her for some strange reason. In her dream, Cara tells her that she doesn't want to be her friend anymore and tells Karlie to find herself a new place to live. Karlie is crying and begging Cara to forgive her. Just then she hears someone sing, "Stay! Stay! Stay!" in a high-pitched voice. It was more like an echo from Taylor Swift's song, All You Had To Do Was Stay, but the voice sounded exactly like Alison's.

The whole dream was so confusing and weird and bizarre. Karlie thought it was probably because a) Cara was upset last night, b) Karlie was listening to 1989 right before she went to sleep, and c) she finally heard what Alison's voice sounded like. So her dream was sort of like a mash up of all three. She still couldn't believe that she spoke with Alison on the phone. It was one of the best things ever and definitely her highlight from yesterday.

Cara seemed to still be asleep because Karlie couldn't hear any sound of movement coming from Cara's bedroom. She must've been up late, so Karlie decided to let her sleep in for a little longer, while she made breakfast for the two of them. Cara loved bacon and scrambled eggs in the morning so Karlie started on those, thinking that it might cheer Cara up just a little.

As Karlie was waiting for the breads in the toaster, she poured orange juice in two separate glasses and quickly checked her phone for any notifications. She noticed that she had a new voicemail, so she called her voicemail to listen to it. Karlie pressed 1 to listen to the message and held her phone between her ear and shoulder because she was setting up the breakfast tray to take to Cara's room.

"First new message," she heard the lady's voice say before playing the message. There was static for less than a second and then she heard the most endearing thing ever. She felt like she was in heaven. It was from Alison from last night when Karlie was too shocked to answer her phone the first time Alison called and had let it go to voicemail. All Alison said was, "shit!" and somehow listening to it made Karlie giddy. She put the tray down and repeatedly listened to it about a thousand times. She couldn't get over how cute Alison sounded when she swore. Karlie saved the voicemail, because she knew she was going to replay it a thousand times more and never get tired of it, but right now Cara needed her.

She walked over to Cara's room with two plates of bacon, eggs, and toasted bread and two glasses of juice on a tray for both of them. Karlie couldn't knock on the door because her hands were full, so she called out to Cara, hoping she'd be awake by now.

"Hey, Cara, will you please open the door? I brought breakfast for you," Karlie said loud enough for Cara to hear.

She heard footsteps from the other side of the door and then the door opened. As soon as Cara opened the door to allow Karlie in, she turned around and made her way back to her bed. Karlie figured that Cara wasn't planning on leaving her bed anytime soon.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" Karlie said cheerfully.

"What's so good about this morning? It's just another morning," Cara answered, grumpily.

"But, that's exactly what is good about today. It's another morning! We get to live another day. Another day of having breakfast with the best roommate in the whole wide world. Another day of cleaning the apartment up a little...maybe? No? Okay, that's fine. We'll leave that for some other day. But we get the chance to live another day to see the sunset and have dinner together and..."

"Another day for a loved one to disappoint you..." Cara interrupted in a low, sad voice.

"Aw, baby..." Karlie cooed. She set the breakfast tray down and got into bed with Cara. She pulled Cara to her side and put her arms around Cara's midriff. Cara rested her head on Karlie's shoulder and sighed deeply.

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