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A/N: I am so sorry for posting this chapter so late. I know, I know I promised to update before New Year's...but hey, you should know by now that I am horrible with keeping promises (sorry!).

By the way...I just wanted to share with y'all that while vacationing on the West Coast, I take a spontaneous road trip to Big Sur, California this past New Year's weekend. It was so breathtaking. Don't know why but I just wanted to share it with everyone. Anyways, I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday weekend as well.

And thank you, thank you, thank you SO much for reading Kismet and for voting and for commenting. Reading your comments always makes my day...I can't describe the feeling when I get a notification on my phone indicating a comment someone left on one of the chapters. So, thank you.

A lot of the readers were disappointed with Chapter 11. Just a friendly reminder..this is my story. My idea. My plot line. I am sorry if you don't like it...I truly am. But I suggest that you stop reading :) I honestly won't mind. However, please think twice before sending a hateful message to someone just because you don't like their work. That is shameful. For those who didn't like Chapter 11, but were at least nice about it and trust me with where I am taking this story...thank you.

Alrighty, let's get to it then, shall we? Hope you will enjoy! :)


Taylor and Cara were sitting in a private waiting room, away from the prying eyes of strangers, upon the request Taylor's security team made to the hospital staff. There weren't a lot of people present in the emergency room at this hour, but even one person was one too many for Taylor Swift.

Taylor had reached the hospital fifteen minutes after the ambulance did but she was instructed by her security team to stay in her car, in the parking lot, until they got there. She did as she was told, choosing not to argue with her security, because she had already broken enough rules tonight as it was.

Once her team arrived and she was escorted into the hospital, she called up Cara to ask for her whereabouts. After finding Cara, Taylor fired off multiple questions, wanting to know how Karlie was doing.

Cara calmed Taylor down and told her that Karlie did not wake up on the way to the hospital but she was informed by the doctors that Karlie was going to be fine. The doctors were in with Karlie at the moment but no one had yet talked to Cara about Karlie's condition in detail.

Since Cara didn't know much of anything else, Taylor and Cara both sat side by side in silence in the waiting room, at a loss for words. None of them knew what could have caused their best friend to be all alone in a park late at night in the condition that they found her in. Two members of Taylor's security team were waiting outside the waiting room, giving the girls some privacy.

After a 45-minute wait, which felt like years to both girls, a female in her mid or late thirties, with long, dark brown hair and a warm smile, in a white lab coat opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, girls. My name is Dr. Karla Anderson, and I am in charge of Ms. Karlie Kloss," she introduced herself, shaking Cara's and Taylor's hands. Dr. Karla had a warm, gentle voice and she seemed quite friendly.

Dr. Anderson took a seat across from the two girls and waited for them to say something.

When both Cara and Taylor remained silent, Dr. Anderson continued with a smile. "Let me first begin with letting you two know that Karlie is fine. She will be sent home soon. We had to glue the cut on her forehead and clean up the open wounds on both her hands. We did some X-rays of her hands and found what you may know as a Boxer's Fracture in her right hand. It is basically a fracture through the bones of the hand that form the knuckle. We found fractures in the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, which basically connect her ring and pinky fingers to her wrist. Thankfully, no surgery is required but we put a splint on her hand. The left hand just has some open injuries on the knuckles, which we have bandaged up, but thankfully no fractures."

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