Chapter 24: My Landmark

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"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah..I'm just tired. I'll just go inside na."

"I'm sorry.."

"Get home safe, Zar. Good night."

"Okay. Good ni--"

Di pa man nakatapos ng pagsasalita si Zara ay agad ko ng sinarado ang gate. I don't feel good. I want to sleep and just sleep.

I'm sorry Zara. I didn't mean to ignore you.

Ugh I guess it's almost midnight already.

Hindi naman nagalit si Nanay due to the fact that I was with Zara.

Nanay was confused when I refused to eat. I was silent the entire time she was trying to ask me questions but she eventually gave up when she got no answers from me.

There are times like this that Nanay knows I need space and even if it is hard for me to talk, she would always try things still. I guess she was scared of something that we never even talk about.

Kinaumagahan ay wala pa din ako sa isip na bumangon. It was around 1 in the afternoon when I heard a knock. My energy was drained but I forced myself to open the door of my room that I locked since last night.

Shit I should stop avoiding Nan--


Why is she here?

"H-hey...g-good afternoon I- um just want to fetch you so can hang out at my house just like you promise last time? I- I'm sorry I shouldn't ha-" tarantang paliwanag neto. Why is she gulping and stuttering?

And fuck why did I forget that I promised to go to their house?

Gosh I should've fix myself first! I'm almost naked for pete's sake! Ugh!

"Hey, I'm sorry I was just too preoccupied that I forgot I promised you something. Give me 20 minutes and we'll get going, is that alright?" tanong ko nang mahawakan ko kagad ang kamay neto nang akmang aalis sana eto sa harap ko.

"O-okay.." tarantang sagot neto while she seem to avoid looking at my gaze.

I motioned her to sit at the couch sa sala at agad na nag ayus sa kwarto ko after ko maligo ng pahapyaw. I'm so lazy to even lift anything pero pinilit ko na lang maligo nang ilang buhos para naman atleast I would feel fresh kahit papaano. I honestly just want to lay in my bed all day but I don't have a choice.

After fixing myself, nagpaalam ako kagad kay Nanay. She seems to still want know what's going on with me seeing her expression and gestures.

I was silent the whole time inside the car and so was Sabrina. I feel so guilty because I was just zooming out whenever she tries to start a conversation. She was driving and I was just silently watching the streets outside.

Couple of minutes later ay nakarating na din kami sa tila mansion atang napakalaking bahay na may napakalawak ding gate. Inasikaso kami kagad ng siguro mga katulong nila ata yun. They were all smiling at me kaya napangiti na lang din ako.

This reallt help me lighten up my mood.

"I already baked some cookies with Mom's help earlier because I was thinking that if you come around in the afternoon, there's not much enough time to watch Netflix or do other stuff. Do you wanna try it?" tanong ni Sabrina habang papunta kami sa direction ng pagkalaking luxury set of table and chairs with mamahaling plates and kitchen stuff. I was in awe watching everything inside that screams luxury.

Remind me again that I am surrounded with elites.

"Sure" tipid na sagot ko. I feel somehow shy kase nakamasid lahat ng mga katulong nila saken and nakangiti pa na parang first time nila makakita ng gantong scene.

The Billionaire's Daughter [ProfxStud • GxG]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon