Chapter 34: Exterminare Eos

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Why them?

Why not me?

If only I had been here, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

People sacrificed a lot for me to have this life, but now they're all gone. Why do I always get left behind? I'm so tired of living peacefully just to hide from the chaos. Death should've just taken me instead.

I'm cursed.

I wrapped my arms tightly around my knees, trying to make sense of the chaos that had erupted around me. My family, the people I loved most, lay scattered and broken, their peacefulness violently shattered. The sticky warmth of blood coated my hands...

"It's not your fault, mi amor."

No, it has always been mine.

I can't forgive myself. Forgiveness will only suffocate my being.

"Why?" I murmured to myself, my voice a fragile echo in the deafening silence.

Why is it that peace can only be bought with such horrific sacrifice? Why is it always the innocent who suffer the most?

My gaze drifted over my mother's body, hugging Kikay and Kiki holding her twin's hand, each one a ghostly reminder of my 'too-good-to-be-true' happiness. It felt so real in the moment, or so I thought. The cost of what I believed to be finally living my life filled with love.

A wave of bitter regret washed over me.

"It should've been me..." I thought despairingly.

The thought of being alone, once a fear, now seemed like a missed blessing. But regret was useless, the damage was irrevocable and irreversible.

"We can't live a normal life. To survive, you have to remember two things: protect what matters and destroy what ruins. The world is too bright for us to live in, but that's how we maintain its balance. Ty ponimayesh?"


War. That's what they just started.

I was in the middle of my chaotic thoughts when I suddenly heard a faint voice calling me.

My mind went blank again, and I still couldn't move. My body felt like it had been paralyzed for a long time.


Kiki was dragging herself towards me, her hand pressed against a deep, bleeding wound in her stomach. Her wide, fear-filled eyes found mine.

My baby...

I felt how my eyes streamed down tears with the deepest anger.

Shock, confusion, and terror were written all over my baby's face, her tears blending with the blood that soaked her clothes. She reached out, her hand trembling, seeking mine. Overwhelmed by a mix of anger and fear, my own hand, still shaking, reached out to hers.

Nanginginig na niyakap ko eto't hinaplos haplos ang likod neto.

"N-nanay protected Kikay and th-they tried to stab me b-but I dodged so they didn't hit my abdo..minal area..." She was trying to act tough to explain, pero ang katawan neto ay hinang hina na at halos nawawalan na eto ng boses na magsalita pa.

"G-good baby, good..." My voice cracked trying to calm her.

I will make them pay, I promise.

I immediately got up while carrying Kiki at kagad na kinuha ang phone ko.

Please let me save them.

I dialled the number, and after a few seconds, she had already picked it up.

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