Chapter 28: Closer

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"I know you just turned 18, but if you let me put this ring on your finger so you won't question me with what are we, I'd sleep my nights with the sweetest dream thinking of you. And if you'd let me put my last name next to yours, I'd have my ecstatic days intertwined with the parts of you. Marry me, Alexandra.."

As soon as she mumble those words, I almost tripped myself in front of her kase biglang parang nawalan ng buto yung mga paa ko kaya napakapit ako bigla sa pader ng gate dahil nakaramdam ako ng panghihina ng mga tuhod ko.

She was waiting for me to respond but I was brain fogged and if I do say something I feel like there'll be consequences. I can feel it.

"B-but you're.."

"Give me time. I'll get rid of everything." Fierce and seryusong sagot neto which made me feel a lot of emotions.

" don't have to accept my proposal right now if this is a lot to process but if you want we can be married tomorrow or whenever you want, I'll arrange everything." Dagdag neto.

(Author: Luh you don't have to accept daw pero ready na magpakasal 🙂👍)

Seryuso ba to?

"B-balik ka na lang bukas..." kabadong saad ko.

Agad etong tumayo at kinuha ang kamay ko't kagad na ipinasuot saken ang singsing na ikinalutang na naman ng isip ko.

"Nope, I'm sleeping here." Saad neto at agad na ngumiti nang masuot na sakeng daliri ang singsing.

It was perfect and beautiful and I couldn't even take my eyes off of my finger staring at it. It felt like heaven and I feel like at that moment I finally belonged to something, to someone.

Wait..what did she say?

I stared at her and she was still smiling at my finger while holding it like she did something she ever dreamed of. And when she realized that I was staring at her, she leaned on me closer and that made me gulp.

I immediately stopped myself and distanced away from her. The last time I remember may kabalaghang ginawa kami dito sa gate e

Her face left a confused expression but she immediately shrugged it off like she understood what I was thinking at the moment at agad na pumunta ulit sa car neto at may hinila na....maleta? Ano to?

"A-ano yan?" naguluhang tanong ko.

"Suitcase." Prenteng sagot neto.

"Di ako nakikipagbiruan, Ma'am. Alam kong maleta yan.."

"And I'm also not joking.."

Oh my--🤦‍♀

"Ba't ka nga may maleta?"

Di ako neto sinagot at agad na binuksan neto ang gate na parang kabisado na niya lahat ng lock neto at ipinasok ang mga box pati hinila ang maleta habang ako ay napatulalang napatingin na lamang sa mga kilos neto.

Ano to??

"Are you coming inside or do you want me to carry you?" prenteng usal neto nang makitang nakatayu lang ako sa harap ng gate na nanunuod sa mga kilos neto.

Wala sa sariling pumasok ako sa gate at tulala pa ding nakatingin sa mga box pati sa maleta neto habang siya naman ay agad na nilock ang gate nang makapasok ako.

Pagkatapos netong isarado ang gate ay agad etong tumungo sa pinto ng bahay at ako'y sunod nang sunod lang sa mga hakbang neto.

She easily opened the door at ipinasok ang mga karga karga netong mga gamit at inantay akong makapasok.

Tumungo eto sa sala at doon inilagay ang mga box at yung maleta naman nento ay agad netong hinila patungo sa direction ng kwarto..ko? Tekaaa ngaa!

"B-bat...anong gagawin mo?" wala sa ayos kong tanong. Di ko alam kung ano talaga itatanong ko e.

The Billionaire's Daughter [ProfxStud • GxG]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon