Chapter 33: Bite The Bullet

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I woke up in a room with dim lights. And, the essence and scent were comforting. I tried to force myself to get up and blink my eyes because it felt as though they were glued shut. But as soon as I straightened my back and stretched my legs, I felt a pain in my head.

"Ow!" I hissed and hinimas himas ko pa eto.

I suddenly remembered what happened. Every single scene was being played back in my mind and I was silently panicking.

"What did I d-"

"I said STOP!" I heard a familiar voice shouting just outside the room.

"Move." A calm voice, I was shaking in panic as soon as I immediately realized who it was.

"This is MY property, MY HOSPITAL. One call from the security and you'll be pulled outside. Are you really testing my patience?" It was obviously a voice with infuriating tone.

"Oh please I know your motives, Jones. And if you're really going to call the security, you should have done it by now."

"And I know your motives too. You may be years ahead of me but you can't fool me. Hindi ako tanga, I don't know why people worship your kind. Pretty face? Billionaire? Do they even know how disgusting you are? People die because of you. They died thinking you care. Shame on-"

And I heard a loud bang on the door then it suddenly opened. Nakita ko kung paanong napatayo nang mabilisan si CJ na natumba yata sa sahig. She was about to stop her walking towards me but she saw me and immediately started acting like nothing happened.

"Gising ka na are you feeling?" Tungo kagad saken ni CJ at umupo eto sa gilid ko habang tinititigan ang ulo ko.

I didn't respond. What I heard- I don't even know what to say. What are they talking about?

"Kakain ka na ba? I can get you some, ano gusto mo?" Tanong ulit ni CJ.

What is she doing here? And why would she look at me like this again? Damn it.

This is bullshit. I'm so upset that I don't ever want to see her again. But I also want her here and to look at me, why am I like this? Why do I feel this way?


There. I'm desperately wanting to hear it, just like how she used to say it before. Way back when things weren't that great but also not bad.

I looked directly into her eyes and somehow I was hoping that there'll be something...or a sign that she's here because she cares for me but I saw nothing except how I was merely a lowly person in front of these people.

Who am I even to be with them?

I know that already but I still ignored it before because there are some of them that treated me differently with genuine intentions. Or is it really?

"Evasco-are you listening?"

Biglang natauhan ako nang bigla netong inilapit ang mukha neto sa direction ko at hinawakan bigla ang kamay ko na ikinawala na naman ng isip ko..

Hindi ako nakasagot at napatitig ako sa kamay netong nakahawak pa rin sa kamay ko na bigla din netong kinuha nang mapansing wala sa isip na nakapako pa din ang mga mata ko sa kamay neto.

"Jones, can you give us a moment to talk?" Utos neto kay CJ na tumitig saken upang tingnan siguro if magiging okay lang ba ako and at the end wala naman siyang choice kundi lumabas.

"We need to-"

"Cut it. Are they suspending me or completely kicking me out?" I said as if I don't care but I'm actually really scared.

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