Chapter 35: Dies Ultimus

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Alexandra Eretriah E. Romanov...

"Miss Romanov, please step forward." 

The moment I heard a name I never expected to hear again, a name that reminded me of a past I wished to forget, I stood in front of the crowd, stunned and perplexed. Anger surged within me, and as I faced the crowd, my body froze. It felt as though I was carrying a heavy gray cloud overhead, threatening to make me collapse at any moment.

The vast crowd wore baffling expressions, their eyes locked on me, as if they're waiting for me to do or say something.

I gulped when I saw CJ, Justin, and Almira staring at straight at me with confusion in their eyes from behind the VIP seats. 

...and she is looking at me now with eyes that seem to be confused and disappointed. 

Surely, they will all look at me differently now. To be honest, I would do the same if I were in their shoes. After all, the person they have known all this time is not the real me.

Maybe this is for the best. They'll never see me again after this anyway. There's no point in explaining. 

But part of me is tormented and hurting, realizing that the friends who befriended me did so because they thought I was who they believed me to be. The real me was buried years ago, but now it's time to return to where I was. 

They should hate me; they have the right to. They haven't even met my dark side.

"Miss Romanov?" 

Natauhan ako bigla nang nilapitan ako ng emcee na ngayon ay nakangiting sinesenyasan ako na pumunta sa harap kung saan nakatutok ang mga camera na kanina pa nagfaflash sa mukha ko. 

Tumango ako sa emcee at humakbang sa unahan ng malaking stage na wala sa sarili. Napasulyap ako kay Trevor na ngayon ay nakangiting parang nanalo sa mga balak niya. I gave him a death stare, and he just smirked at me as if he had accepted the challenge.

"May I have the attention of the judges, please? Could you come to the stage to honor the champion by presenting the award?" Rinig kong pagtatawag ng emcee sa mga judges na agad namang nagsitayuan at humakbang papunta sa direction ko.

"Also, Chairman Diaz and Vice Chairman Tan, we would also appreciate it if you could come up here..." dagdag neto.

Mabilis na pumuwesto silang lahat sa kanan at kaliwa ko. Nasa gitna ako na parang lutang pa sa hangin na nakatayu lang at nakamasid sa mga nanunuod samin. 

"Oh, I forgot! Sorry, who's with you here, Miss Romanov?" tanong ng emcee na ikinasapok ng kilay ko.

Whos'with you here e wala naman akong pamilya dito. Alangan namang pasanin ko kabaong ni Nanay dito. Minimakeupan pa nga yata yun e.

Gosh, ayuko umiyak dito. Tangina.

Be strong self, please.

At kanina pa to pa Miss Miss Romanov ah baka iwan ko sila dito't magwalkout ako. Naiinis na ako.

"Miss Rom--"

"I'm here..." rinig kong pagsasalita ni Trevor mula sa VIP seat na ngayon ay taas noo pang nakangiti sa direction ko na ngayon ay mas ikinaingay pa ng mga nanunuod sa amin sa harapan.

The Billionaire's Daughter [ProfxStud • GxG]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon