Chapter 36: Party and Blood

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I heard her sob once more, but I was just standing there. Pricked with a thousand needles, it became something like an addiction again, just as I was once fascinated by experiencing and witnessing such pain before. And no amount of happy memories can bury this torment deep inside me.

But why are you doing this to me again? Don't you see that I'm trying to make myself survive just even for a day without thinking about what I've been through? Why make me feel this way again?

You really do know how to add more deep cuts into my heart without even trying.

Yes, my heart longs for you. But that's just it. After all, we should've never even met. This thing will only lead both of us to vain and despair. And I can never go back to being this useless again. I could never return to not being able to protect what's mine. If I had maintained what was supposed to be my path, maybe these people who considered me family would still be here.

I do love you. I still do. But this should end now.

These past few years have made me realize that I should've just stayed where I was supposed to be. I was a coward, I'll admit that. But I'm not running anymore. I'm the one who will now be hunting those who have ruined what's mine.

"P-Please, say something..." She cupped my face with her hands, trying to elicit a response. Her hands were shaking, and her voice cracked as if she was out of breath from trying to stop herself from crying so hard. Her eyes looked so tired, as if she hadn't slept for days.

I am deeply in pain for loving you, Sapphira. I have given you my warmest self, but you have kept on giving me the coldest end. It's unfair that I was the only one fighting for both of us since the beginning. And I'm tired, tired of all of this.

All the love in me has melted, and I cannot bear to have it for anyone anymore. The people who had loved me genuinely warmed me, only to end up being killed. I have nothing left. My being is just existing in a void, and I'm afraid there's nothing left of me, not even a soul.

How many more tortures do I need to endure to end myself from being numb to the pain? I thought I deserved love and happiness.

"B-Baby plea–.."

"Miss Sapphira, my family is dead. I don't have time for this." I mumbled coldly, staring straight into her eyes. She looked so vulnerably broken and I hate it.

My eyes are about to burst. But my pain is everywhere I look and anywhere I go, hitting me like an eternity. I've tried running from it countless times, but I guess it's time to kill it.

"I-I'm sor–ry..." She hugged me again, burying her face in my neck. I could feel the warmth of her tears on my shoulders.

I felt defeated, but Justin was right. I should've never let myself get involved with them.

I was taken aback when she suddenly held my hands and kissed them, as if trying her best to make me feel that she feels my pain. A kiss that felt like a plea, saying, 'I am here, please look at me.'

Her eyes were pleading. And my mind was almost thrown into a different dimension when she kneeled in front of me, holding my hands.

This is the second time she kneeled in front of me. Both were for me to be with her but only this time, I have already lacked the strength to fight for what's not mine. Everything that I thought was mine was taken from me, so I've learned my lesson.

And I know the pain when someone lost what was a treasure for them.

We shouldn't have let ourselves end up like this. I should've reminded myself that you're not my invisible string. My family and everyone don't even know about us, especially yours. We're now but relics of time that nobody knows. And it's time to let go.

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