The Mistake

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(Hope you've enjoyed so far!)

Dumbledore smiled and had a mad glint in his eyes, it appears that Harry survived the curse and it rebounded and hit Ray, who absorbed it and cursed Tom, killing him. The question is: Who is the horcrux that I need to use in my plan?

That question alone swiped the smile off his face, twinkle in his eye absent.

"Ray! Harry! Oh my gosh! Dumbledore, what has happened?" Lily shrieks when she saw the state of the nursery. She raced over to the cradle and found Ray to be crying. Oh, her sweet, darling angel must have been frightened. It is probably James's fault, his family has been in multiple prophecies and now, he has cursed this one.

"James, I have had enough. We are over and I'm taking Ray, this is all your fault! If your family hadn't come from a linage of prophesied ones, we wouldn't have to go through this!" Lily shouted at her ex-husband, who was shocked and wasn't expecting this.

"O-ok, Lily. I'll do it, but I get Harry and you get Ray. I'm heading over to Severus's house, bye Evans." James said, finally realizing what was going on. He didn't mind, he had recently become friends with Severus, and dearly regrets not doing so before. Severus has proven to be smart, honest and a little moody, but still great fun.

"Whatever, James. Come on, Ray, we're going to Auntie's house, ok?" Lily coos to her son, who was still crying. She noticed a cut on his cheek and gasped.

"Albus! Ray has a mark on his cheek! Is he the chosen one?" Lily exclaimed, sudden pride filling her body.

"Yes, my girl. Ray is the boy-who-lived. He'll defeat the dark lord and save everyone. We must start his training early." Dumbledore said, a twinkle in his eye.

James walked to Harry and grabbed him from the crib. Harry was asleep, but James noticed something. A lightning scar on his forehead. Lily, Ray and Dumbledore were outside talking about Ray's future. James walked over to Ray's cradle and saw a piece of glass, while Harry had none near him.

"Oh, my darling boy. You are the actual one. I will protect you, even if no one knows the truth." James whispered into his adorable son's ear. James had realized that Ray got his scar from a piece of glass, while Harry was the real boy-who-lived. He won't tell Dumbledore, something seemed off about the twinkly eyes and grandfatherly behavior. It gave hints of something evil and planned. Dumbledore is not who he pretends to be.

"I figured I'd find you here after the accident. Is your son?" A cold voice said from behind James. James turned around and saw Severus leaning against a pillar.

"Oh, hey Severus. Yes, this is Harry. Lily decided to divorce me and take Ray because he was the chosen one. Harry is the actual one, Ray got scar from a piece of glass." James explained.

"Interesting, do you want me to heal the scar?" Severus asked, feeling some sort of sympathy for his friend. He had just lost a son and his wife. It was the least he could have offered.

"No, it wouldn't work. It was caused by a killing curse. Thank you, can I stay with you?" James asked. He was in no mood to go his manor and explain to his parents.

"Sure, but make sure Harry doesn't mess with my potion equipment." Severus said, a small smile gracing his face. James nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Severus. I regret hurting you and I'm thankful for you honestly." James murmured into Snape's neck, causing the potions master's face to become flushed. He couldn't possibly be falling for Potter, can he?

"Yes, let's go. Do you have stuff for Harry and yourself?" Severus asked, face still flushed.

"Yes, are you ok though? Your face is a bit red..." James murmured, placing a hand to Severus's forehead. Snape grabbed James's hand and nodded. He apparated to his house and got the two guests situated.

How will this change the events, and how does Harry's life change by one fatal accident later on?


That is all for this chapter! Remember this is his last memory! Have a good day folks!

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