Quidditch World Cup Pt.2

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(Side To Side by Arianna Grande! It is really good)

Hadrius watched the players swerve and swoop, dodging bludgers and keepers searching for the golden snitch, which hasn't been released yet. Hadrius was watching one particular male, a tall dark haired male that had a brooding form whilst riding his broom. The male seemed to be very familiar, but from where?

Hadrius adjusted his omnioculars and had a charm to be be recording what he caught through the lenses. He was probably going to enjoy watching the play by play during his free time. He was still curious about the one seeker guy, but played if off as Deja Vu in his past life or something. 

He noticed he was losing focus of what was happening and zoned back in. Hadrius captured really great scenes, goals, saves, stunts and some embarrassing failures. When Hadrius saw a bludger fly towards the Bulgarian seeker and he didn't notice, he stood up in his seat. 

"Hadrius, why are yo-CRACK!" Kingsley began before a semi-loud crack was heard through the now silent stadium. Blood spurted from the seeker's nose and onto his uniform.

"That is why, I saw the bludger coming in his direction," Hadrius explained, sitting back down. Puddlemore was cheering and their veelas began dancing, drawing almost every male. Kingsley, Amos, Minister Indzhova, and Hadrius. Kingsley was asexual and Amos was already happily married and not interested. Minister Indzhova was amazing at occlumency and shielded his mind from the draw. Hadrius was Bisexual but leaning more towards males. 

Ron Weasley was leaning over the edge, reaching out to the beautiful woman dancing. Hermione was rolling her eyes and muttering about how the veelas aren't even that good looking. 

"Jealousy is killing me slowly, I think I think too much!" Hadrius hummed, thinking about a song he heard sang by muggles. Jealousy if he remembered correctly. 

The other Weasleys weren't as affected but were standing up. Bill and Charlie were sitting down as they had charms, or runes, or shields protecting them. Amos and Kingsley were sat down, they weren't affected as they had strong occlumency shields, they were aurors after all. Minister Fudge was staring at them, on the edge of his seat, his eyes trailing their body and had an infatuated look. Minister Indzhova was watching them all in amusement, but was curious why Hadrius wasn't behaving the same.

"Hadrius, why aren't you affected? That team chose to bring the most enchanting veelas to the game today and you just throw them off with out care. The older ones have a reason as it is part of their training, but you are just a kid," Minister Indzhova asked, observing Hadrius's expressionless face. 

"I am not really into girls, and more into guys. Sure, I'd still date the ones I think are worthy of my loyalty and trust, but I am not really attracted to them," Hadrius explained as he zoomed in on another score made. 

Minister Indzhova nodded with this new found information. He supported this type of stuff, in fact, he was pansexual himself. Hadrius lowered his omnioculars and smiled cheerfully. 

"Cedric, dearest, I believe you owe me a galleon," Hadrius said as he smirked in victory. He saw that Krum was about to catch the snitch but Puddlemore was too ahead that even by catching the snitch wouldn't help. 

"What for? Puddlemore hasn't won yet," Cedric said, staring at Hadrius in confusion. They had a bet going on. If Puddlemore won but the Bulgaria seeker would catch the snitch, then Hadrius would win the bet. If Bulgaria won and their seeker caught the snitch, Cedric would win. 

"That," Hadrius said, pointing to Krum, who was holding up a snitch, blood still stained on his robe and his nose still broken. Cedric glanced over at the scores and swore. He pulled out a galleon and grumpily placed it into Hadrius's outstretched hand. 

Hadrius gave a low chuckled and shoved the coin into his pocket. He stood up and watched Minister Fudge find out Minister Indzhova could speak English.

"You are telling me you could have spoken English this whole time?" Fudge said in anger, his face red. Indzhova nodded and laughed a bit. 

"Yes, I could, Minister Fudge," Indzhova said, his deep voice filled with amusement.

"Then why did you not tell me and let me do all those movements so you can understand?" Fudge stuttered, his face turning a maroon color. 

"Vhy? It vas quite amusing to vatch you sving your arms around and try," Indzhova said cheerfully, smiling before walking over to Hadrius. 

"Hello, Hadrius, would you like to come with me and enjoy a nice cup of tea. I wish to discuss some educational properties," Indzhova said warmly, shining a dazzling smile. Hadrius smiled back.

"It would be quite rude to say no, Indzhova. Of course I'd like to come enjoy a cup of tea and discuss some things," Hadrius said formally. The minister bowed and left, leaving a gaping Fudge. Hadrius turned to his father.

"May I head off, Father? I will be back soon," Hadrius said with sparkling eyes. Kingsley found himself unable to look away from the adorable face Hadrius was giving and just gave in.

"Fine, but you must send a Patronus if anything happens," Kingsley said, placing a hand onto Hadrius's shoulder. Hadrius cheered and hugged his father before running after the Minister. Amos came from behind Kingsley and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"They do grow up quickly, don't they?" Amos said with a sad expression. His son was talking to Cho Chang, a cheating hoe. 

{No hate for Cho, just in this story}

"Yes, they unfortunately do," Kingsley said, staring after where Hadrius had disappeared. Amos clapped his hand before straightening. 

"Would you care for a glass of wine and some conversation?" Amos said, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Kingsley sighed before turning to Amos, a smile forming on his face. 

"Alright, let's go," Kingsley said as he led Amos out. Hopefully, his adopted son doesn't grow too quickly as he was only 14. 


That is all for this chapter. Sorry I was busy, I had multiple tests, essays and psat coming up. 

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