Sorting Hat

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(MALK is very good, do you like mAlk?)

Hadrius was jolted awake by the halting of the train. He rubbed his exhausted eyes hazily and straightened up and rubbed his cold cheek. He had fallen asleep against the cold window is what he assumed. 

Hadrius looked out the frigid window and saw they were nearing Hogwarts. He was buzzing with excitement. He watched the train slow down and stop fully. He stood up and grabbed his luggage, Helga and headed out. 

He walked onto the train's station and looked around. He noticed a large, burly man shouting for the first years. Hadrius walked over and waited for all the first years to arrive. When the hairy man was sure, he led them all to a lake. Boats were lined up against the shore's banks. 

Hadrius walked over to a boat and carefully stepped in. The boat gently rocked in the water. He waited for everyone to board a boat and watched the man settle in a boat of his own. 

Hadrius smiled when no one sat next to him, he had his mask on so he probably didn't look friendly or looked nerdy. 

The boats started to move gracefully along the water. After a bit of time of being on the water, a tentacle of a squid arose from the waters and waved at the students. 

Hadrius smiled at the squid, knowing it was friendly. Of course, the other first years knew not of it and were screaming about. A loud splash could be heard near the middle of moving boats as a red head boy that Hadrius remembered from the compartment. He stifled a laugh, knowing it would be rude, but maybe the boy deserved it. 

The squid reached out and wrapped its tentacule around the red head's waist and lifted him out of the freezing waters. The red head was screaming and throwing his limbs around in fear. The squid placed him in the boat and returned under.

Hadrius chuckled at the red head's soaking wet appearance, such a poor first appearance. Hadrius was fitted into his fine clothing and looked very hot. His black hair (Blood adopt potion given by Aquatines was removed) was crazy but in an attractive and hot way. His green eyes were bright and full of knowledge and it made him look mature and strong. He was perfect, they wouldn't see his eyes as his hair was kind of shadowing over it and he was wearing a mask. 

The red head was wearing baggy clothing and his tie was loose and unfit. His hair was messy and uncombed, disgusting in Hadrius's opinion. His blue eyes looked dull and unknowledgeable. His face was covered in freckles that clashed unwell with his skin and face. There was also a spot of dirt on his nose, ew. The red head also seemed to have a permanent slouch, disgraceful. 

The bushy, brown haired girl besides him seemed interesting. Her hair was an utter racoon nest, knots and bunches, animals could live in there. Her face seemed to always have a scowl or a unimpressed look to it. Her teeth, don't get Hadrius started, she looked like a damn beaver with her bushy hair and two, large ass teeth. They also had a yellow tint to it, does she brush her teeth? Her clothes were slightly baggy, fit her frame a bit, but still baggy. Her posture wasn't straight, but it wasn't clear up slouching. Her brown eyes seemed to hold a gullible and a hungry look to them.

The red hair boy was frightening. From his over chubby and fat body, to the grease stains on his clothes. His hair, a red color, was messy and looked like the cheap, knockoff copy of the other red head's hair. The boy was pudgy, ugly, messy, unclean and possibly had rabies. The chubby boy's eyes were small, squinted and muddy brown. The boy's face looked like it was melting with all the fat on him. The boy's robes fit him, oh, it barely fit. The buttons looked ready to burst, whilst his robes were already stretched. Didn't know that Hogwarts allowed Hippos, Beavers and Weasels, Zootopia much? 

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