The Bronze Trio

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(Some Draco Bashing, only for a bit though)

Hadrius felt himself being shaken awake. He opened his eyes and looked around drowsily to see who was waking him up. He saw Kingsley at his bedside. Hadrius lifted himself up and sat in his bed.

"Morning, sleepyhead. You slept through dinner, which I don't blame you. I came up here to tell you breakfast is ready," Kingsley said softly before he exited the room. Hadrius groaned and rubbed his eyes, trying to see through his still tired eyes. 

Hadrius slipped out of bed and walked over to his wardrobe. He opened it up and searched around for nice clothing. Hadrius decided on an outfit and grabbed it our of its place.

 Hadrius decided on an outfit and grabbed it our of its place

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He chose something casual and comfortable. He changed into it quick and grabbed his duffle bag. He placed an extendable charm on it and a lightweight one too. 

Hadrius placed his notebook, pencil and some other things. He clipped his hand holster to his wrist and that his wand was securely in it. He made sure to flick his wrist around to make sure it wouldn't simply slide out.

Once that he was sure he was ready, he made his way down. He greeted two of the house elves that were cleaning and made his way to the dining room, but was lost. Hadrius looked around before remembering the name of a certain elf.

"Vel?" Hadrius said, not sure if that was the name of the elf. A small crack filled the room as the small elf appeared in front of Hadrius.

"Do you need something, young master?" Vel asked, looking up with his round, beady eyes. Hadrius swallowed thickly.

"Yes, can you show me where the dinning room is? Also, please call me Hadrius," Hadrius requested kindly. The elf nodded before showing the way to Hadrius.

"Thank you, Vel," Hadrius said gratefully. The elf bowed to waist length before straightening up.

"Tis my honor, Young Master Hadrius," Vel said before disappearing with a crack. Hadrius stared at where the house elf had been. He shook his head and entered the room. His father was sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet. There was a group of four sitting at the table along side of his father.

"Father, I have arrived," Hadrius said, making his presence known. Kingsley set his paper down and smiled. He gestured for Hadrius to come join and eat. Hadrius felt his limbs move to the table and sit in the chair. 

"Now, Hadrius, these are the Malfoys," Kingsley introduced. Hadrius nodded and smiled politely. 

"I'm Lucius Malfoy, pleasure to meet you, Hadrius Shacklebolt," Lucius drawled, looking at Hadrius with a calculative look. 

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