Hadrius Orios Aquatine

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Hadrius Orios Aquarine, originally Harry James Potter:

Hadrius Orios Aquarine, originally Harry James Potter:

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This is when he is around 11.

<><><>Background Info<><><>

Hadrius was born at on July 31 and his parents were Lily Rose Potter nee Evans and James Fleamont Potter. He has an older twin that came out as Voldemort's equal and his name is Radius James Potter. Originally it was Radius Evans Potter, but they changed it after ridding themselves of Hadrius. 

He also had learned that he was the real equal of Voldemort, but doesn't wish to fight him. He looked into Voldemort's ideas and actions and sees them to be justifiable. Voldemort just wanted to prevent the loss of magic and save Lady Magic. Voldemort wanted to bring back the old ways to preserve magic and honor their designated holidays.


Hadrius is like a cat. He is very quiet and observative. He is has great reflexes and very well trained strength. He is very smart, maturer that kids his age. He does have his moments where he is not very smart, but he is mostly sleepy. 

Hadrius also likes to keep to himself unless he has a goal. He loves reading and learning new information, not that he has much to learn. He finds libraries to be a magnificent place and it has a calming aura. He also believes it helps his distress sometimes.

Hadrius also despises his brother. Ray had caused him to get a loving family, but also costed him of what could have been a perfect family. Ray got everything while Hadrius had to work for it, which he did. Now, Hadrius wishes to kill Ray off in pity. Hadrius doesn't feel jealous, he feels anger at what Ray has done. He is thankful for what he had gotten after Ray "won" his title. 

He also is the innocent-not so innocent bean of the G.A.T, his group. They named it Goofballs and Troublemakers, the one to come up with it was Ryder. 

He is besties with Sammy and finds himself mothered by Naomi and Aurelia a lot. 


Get revenge on those that had left him

Get revenge on those that has wronged the ones he loves

Become better than Ray and steal his fame

Reunite Jeverus

Make it into the England's International Quidditch team

Make LOTS of friends

Learn all types of magic and perfect them

Make the whole school crush on him (;


Hadrius likes many things:

Colors: Aqua-green, Silver, Ocean Blue, Black, and White

Foods: Chicken Nuggets, Hamburger, Fries, Treacle Tart, Pizza Rolls, Pizza, Sushi, Ice-cream, Popcorn, Bacon, Sausages, Pancakes and Mac'N'Cheese

Drinks: Water, Sprite, Fanta, Grey Tea, Chai Tea, Black Tea, and smoothies

Animals: Polar Bears, Snakes, Hamsters, Chipmunks, Cats, Margays, and Frogs

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Sleeping, Walking, Living, Learning, Observing, and Doing Magic, Flirting?

Friends: Lylia, Sammy, Alexis, Ian, Aria, Charlie, Naomi, Sebastian, Aurelia, Lee, Ryder, Norman, Kylie, Linda, Cameron, Elias, Kirata, Luna, Neville, Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Theodore

Types of Magics: Arithmancy, Astrology, Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Wandlore, Herbology, Medical Magic, Charms, Potions, History, DADA, Magic Theory, Wandless, Wordless, Summoning Magic, and Transfiguration


He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. His hair later turns into a more darker and curlier mess with his eyes being darker. He wears glasses and a mask. His glasses are sometimes decorative or just colored. His mask hides a scar from one of his missions. 

He is tall for an 11 year old, a nice 5'10, and pretty lean. He has a good amount of muscles to look fit and strong, but not enough to look beefy and over powered. He has a tiny waist, and has some curve. He likes wearing feminine clothing sometimes but mostly wears clothes meant for training, just in case ya know?

His face is sharp and very handsome. It has some femininity to it, but barely. His jaw is sharp and strong. His cheek bones are high and his nose is small and perfect. His eyelashes are medium and makes his eyes have an entrancing look to them. His skin is pale/tan, he has a very cold touch. 

His lips are plump and delicious looking. They are red and soft. His hair is soft, fluffy and silky. He usually has it in a small ponytail and leaves it at that. 

He does wear eyeshadow time to time. He does like lipstick, but prefers not to. His mascara collection consists of colors that blend well with his eyes and dark clothing preference. He usually goes for a tight and stylish fit. Wanting to look hot and cute at the same time. 

<><><>That's all I think<><><>


That is all guys! Have a lovely day. I decided to change his role of a not so innocent but innocent bean. I need drama and sass and that is what I shall get! Mwah haha!

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