First Classes Pt.2

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(Nice song, try it out if you want)

Hadrius casted a wandless tempus and saw he had 23 minutes since he had left early, class should end in 10 minutes or so. Hadrius walked, his hand trailing the wall as he felt Lady Hogwarts lead him to his next stop. 

Hadrius hummed a small tune as he walked there, looking at the portraits and knights, it was so magical.

After 2 minutes, Hadrius found himself in front of the classroom. He took a deep breath and entered. He was greeted with a dark room that gave Slytherin vibes, dark and cool feeling to the room. 

He walked over to an empty desk and sat in it, it was in the from in a corner most people wouldn't notice. He placed his stuff down and slid into his seat. He kept his wand hidden in it's holster. 

He grabbed a book from his bag and opened it, hoping something new would show up. Unfortunately none seemed to be new. After a minute, Hadrius heard the door open. He ignored the sounds of slithering and sharp footsteps.

"Early one aren't you? Well that will do you good if you want to do well," Professor Slytherin. Hadrius looked up and nodded quickly before diving back into his book. He didn't hear the sound of footsteps approach his desk and stop in front of it until his book was yanked from his hands. 

"Interesting read for a first year, The Magic of  Light by Romana Jackroy. I'd expect an innocent looking student like you to be more towards the light," Professor Slytherin said, reading the cover with raised eyebrows. Hadrius pouted adorably and shrugged. 

"I found it interesting...I can put it away, Sir," Hadrius said quietly, staring down at his desk. Professor Slytherin was tempted to pull down the mask of the boy and see the holder of the beautiful voice. 

"No, it is alright. May I request for your name?" Professor Slytherin said smoothly, leaning in closer. For some reason, this boy was interesting. 

"I...I am Valius Fawley, Sir," Hadrius said softly, leaning backwards. Professor Slytherin nodded, then the door opened again and a younger looking male walking in. Professor walked over and shook his hand. 

"Professor Riddle, glad to see you made it," Professor Slytherin said, smiling at his younger brother and teaching assistant, Mattheo Riddle. Mattheo looked over to see Hadrius glaring at Tom. 

"~I wonder who the little serpent is? Seems mysterious~" Mattheo hissed, staring at Hadrius closely. 

"~His name is Valius Fawley, a Ravenclaw~" Tom hissed back, a firm look on his face. 

"~He looks kind of cute, totally our type~" Mattheo hissed, staring at Hadrius's covered face and body. Tom smacked him in the head and scowled. 

"~Mattheo, he is 8 years younger than us. You can't even see his face and he is very quiet and shy~" Tom hissed back in annoyance, stealing a quick glance at Hadrius. 

"~And? I like the shy and quiet type, they are wild and energetic in bed, maybe he is just like that. Plus, age is just a number~" Mattheo hissed, giving Tom the "Idc" look. Tom rolled his eyes and walked out of the room to retrieve some stuff. 

Unknown to the two, Hadrius understood their little conversation and was blushing deeply behind his mask. He closed his eyes and relaxed. Mattheo walked over and lifted Hadrius's chin up with a finger. 

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