A Spark Between Two

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Hadrius heaved Krum's body over to a hidden part of the woods before softly dropping him and sighing. He stretched up tall, letting out groans of satisfaction as his joints popped. He quickly got to work on healing the player. 

Hadrius transfigured a rock into a white handkerchief and dosed it in cool water before placing it over his burning skin. 

Hadrius turned around to look around but paused when he heard a sound coming from where he had left the player. Hadrius quickly turned around and gasped as the player started waking. 

"Arg, vhere am I? I do believe I vas fighting those covardly scum," Viktor said as he glanced around. He checked his wand holster and sighed in relief when it was still there. Hadrius smiled and started walking towards him as quietly as possible.

"Good to see have awakened," Hadrius said curtly, checking over the player for any more injuries. Viktor quickly turned and held his wand out to curse the person speaking. Hadrius smiled and continued walking forward. 

"Vho are you? Stop vright there, I vill hex you if you don't," Krum spat out in cation. Hadrius clicked his tongue in disappointment. He stopped where he was at, just a foot away from Krum's wand.

"I am the one that saved you, be gracious would you?" Hadrius sneered coldly at the wand. Krum slightly lowered it and stared at Hadrius in suspicion. His glance lingered over to his arm, where the dark mark would be if Hadrius had one.

"Prove it, take off your cloak and show me your arms. If you do not, place your vand down and I shall permit you closer," Viktor spoke fiercely, one thing Hadrius liked about him-Wait- Liked? Hadrius wasn't interested in him yet at least. 

"Fine," Hadrius took off his cloak and threw it onto the ground. He showed his bare arms, turning them over to ensure Viktor that they weren't anywhere on his arm. Hadrius then tossed his cloak to Viktor, who caught in confusion.

"My wand is in the right pocket," Hadrius explained as he began to walk forward and sit on a rock. Viktor checked and was relieved to see it there, the beautiful wand laying in the pocket harmlessly. Viktor nodded and placed his wand into his holster. 

"I am Hadrius Kingsley Shacklebolt, Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Shacklebolt, you are?" Hadrius said as he stuck his hand out. Viktor stared at him before glancing down at his hand and then right back at him.

"You do not know vho I am?" Viktor asked in a surprised whisper. Hadrius stared at him strangely. 

"Should I be concerned why I don't know you?" Hadrius asked slowly, staring at Viktor as if he had just stated that he was a celebrity and a famous one too.

"Vell, somewhat. I though everyone vould have known me. Viktor Krum, Heir to the Noble House of Krum. Pleasure to meet you," Viktor said, placing his hand into Hadrius's still outstretched hand and shaking it firmly. Hadrius smiled.

<><><>2 hours later<><><>

"Vell, I am a famous quidditch player after all. I just hate all the attention and fangirls. They all vant to be friends due to my pover and great skill, not because of my personality, you know?" Viktor said before slapping himself mentally in the head. How would Hadrius-

"I do know. I was adopted by Kingsley and free from my other adopted parents, the Aquatines. I was born with the name Harry James Potter, but later changed when I was abandoned and adopted. I attended Hogwarts under a student that didn't end up coming and used another Gryffindor to play as Harry Potter, brother of Ray Potter. Soon during 2nd year, my secret was outed by my father as he was annoyed with the charade. Many people want to be my friend or partner to get close with Ray, not me," Hadrius said in a sad tone, his expression still stoic. Krum felt bad for the much younger male and placed hand on top of Hadrius's.

Hadrius's eyes shot up to see what had grasped his hand and was shocked to see Viktor comforting him. Hadrius smiled and enlaced his fingers though Krum's and squeezed in comfort. 

"Hey, Krum? Can...Can I owl you for the rest of break? You know, we both can be friends since we understand each other's struggle," Hadrius said brightly, his eyes shining, making his eyes look mesmerizing. Krum couldn't help by be enchanted by those green emeralds and nod his head. Hadrius cheered.

"Vell, I might as vell and head back, you should also, Hads-re-us," Viktor said as he stood up and cleaned his knees from the dirt as much as possible. Hadrius nodded and stood up too, noticing he was a couple inches shorted than Krum. 

"Thanks, Krum. I'll be owling you later when I return home, make sure to get some rest, you look dead," Hadrius joked as he sent a blinding smile Krum's way. 

"Alright. Also, call me Viktor, ve are friends, are ve not?" Viktor said as he started walking away. Hadrius smiled and shouted," Call me Rius, Hadrius is way to long!" 

Hadrius raced off with a blinding white smile, people walking by couldn't help by smile back at the pure smile on the boy's face. 

Krum had stopped his tracks and turned around, watching Hadrius run into the distance and behind some tents. A small smile was playing on his lips. 

"Rius...I vill see you soon, my Emerald," Viktor said as he suddenly had realized that Hadrius was the male in the stands that got him unfocused many times throughout the game.


That is all for now. Sorry it has been a while. I had M-step a day ago and PSAT not even a week ago. Then I have to prepare for an upcoming musical that is not even a week away. I have my language exams coming up and stress has been piling up with my homework and chores and extra tutoring to help me prepare for my exams.

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