Tea and Answers

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(I can't stop sneezing, I sneezed 9 times just open up WattPad, I think I am sick)

Hadrius took a sip of his hot chamomile tea and smiled at the delicious flavours. He has always liked the taste of chamomile. The Minister had prepared it well and added the best dosage of milk for a tea like this. 

"So, Harry, is you tea appealing? I can have a different tea made, I heard Chamomile is a commonly liked tea in Britain," Indzhova said, pushing a container of sugar towards him. Hadrius nodded gratefully before taking the spoon into his hand and dumping 2 spoonful's of sugar into his tea. 

"The tea is quite a favorite of mine, thank you," Hadrius said politely. Indzhova nodded and took a sip of his tea. 

"How is school going? Classes become interesting?" Indzhova asked with interest. Hadrius smiled and set his cup down.

"It is going well, starting my fourth year in Hogwarts. The classes do give some insight in stuff but nothing I haven't learned! Though, Dumbledore is a bit strange," Hadrius said with a frown. Indzhova raised his eyebrows. 

"Vhy? I heard many students at Hogvarts like this headmaster of yours. He is very poverful and vants vhat is best vor this vorld, defeating Grindelvald and vanting to defeat Voldemort," Indzhova said with confusion. He has heard much great things about the headmaster. 

"Those students are blinded by the light, they are blinded by what they choose to see. They don't see the truth because they don't want to see the obvious truth. There is so much dark in Dumbledore that it is impossible to consider him light once you know what he has done," Hadrius said in a dark tone, his eyes holding a glint of anger and hatred. 

"Vhat has he done to make you think so poorly of him?" Indzhova asked, seeing the hatred and anger in Hadrius's eyes. Why did Hadrius hate the man so much?

"Grindelwald and Dumbledore were dating for a while in secret. They planned to live happily and become powerful and known figures. Dumbledore achieved the title of Light Lord and Grindelwald was framed and became known as the Dark Lord. Grindelwald believed his lover would stay and support him forever, even help clear his name from his dark title. Dumbledore had other plans. Dumbledore broke into Grindelwald's home and left a note for him to come to the middle of Hogsmeade without a cover, where he'd clear his name," Hadrius said in sorrow. He hated Dumbledore for betraying his lover for fame. 

"But Grindelvald is still in Azkaban," Indzhova said in confusion before realization dawned upon him. 

"Grindelwald appeared in front of millions and reflected some killing curses, not meaning to kill some people. This is what Dumbledore wanted, so he started dueling Grindelwald. He defeated him despite Grindelwald being more powerful. Grindelwald was heartbroken and felt betrayed, but he couldn't bring it upon himself to kill the person he once considered a lover. He allowed himself to be placed in Azkaban for the rest of his life," Hadrius finished, taking a sip of his tea. Indzhova sat there in shock. He expected the betrayal but none of the rest. 

"Really? Dumbledore has done these stuff? This is very shocking considering he is seen as hero to many," Indzhova said in shock, not believing the story but it added up. 

"Yes, did you also know that there is 2 people that was never given a trial to test their innocence because of Dumbledore," Hadrius brought up with a sad look. 

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