The Bronze Trio Pt.2

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Hadrius was rushing to his room, ignoring Draco's callings to slow down. Hadrius called for Lev and asked him to teleport him to his room and allow no one else to enter it. Lev, of course, followed his wishes and sent him to his room. 

Hadrius made his extra rooms disappear and only had his bedroom be seeable in case anyone entered his room. He didn't feel like answering questions. 

Hadrius walked over to his wall of books. He pulled out a book and retrieved a paper that was in the book. Hadrius opened it carefully, making sure the delicate paper wouldn't tear. He smoothed it out and quickly read a portion of writing. It was his to-do list. 

He needed to finish his daily work, then go do his daily studying. Even though he hated his life at the Aquatines, he loved his study sessions where he'd read for 12 hours. He didn't mind, it was calming and made him want more. 

He walked over to his desk after returning the book. He opened his drawer and started searching through it for his parchment, quills, ink bottles, pins, wax stampers, and his envelopes. When he finally brought it all out, he began on his work. He needed to write the next part to his book of spells. He showed his father during their shopping. His father was quite proud and bought him an ice-cream. 

Hadrius started writing.

Hintarius- The poisoning spell


Hintarius poisons the object, person or area the spell is casted upon. If placed upon a person, the person will slowly die of poisoning. It could range from food poisoning to rat poisoning. If casted on an object, the object would be deadly to touch or consume, if food. The poison has a chance to slowly start molding away the object or let the object remain normal. If casted on a place/area, the area will be toxic to be in. The area could be more effective if the ideal it to kill more than one person. 

The spell could be useful for assassinations, or just murder. It could also help heal if the spell is altered and changed to give healing poison.

Hadrius set his quill down and reread through his work, smiling when the results seemed efficient. Hadrius brought out his wand and summoned a goblet and filled it with cold water. He focused his wand on the goblet and casted his new spell. He watched the water turn dark and murky. He placed his wand back into its holster and grabbed the goblet. He sniffed it, smelling the toxic smell. He tipped it and felt the cold, burning liquid trail down his throat. 

He started coughing violently and blood filled his throat. He rolled his eyes and spat the blood out. He destroyed the goblet and summoned a napkin and removed the blood that was on his face. 

"Did you just drink poison knowingly?" A cold voice questioned from behind him. He twirled around and saw Draco and Severus standing at the doorway. He nodded and threw away the napkin into his trash can.

"How are you still alive?" Draco asked in shock, staring at the blood on the ground.

"Poison doesn't kill me, it makes me bleed. Now, if you plan to stay, be quiet," Hadrius instructed. The two males nodded and sat on Hadrius's lavishing bed. Hadrius went back to his desk and started writing.

Giforify- The Gore Spell


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