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It was only mid-June but I had so much to do. I had recently moved to a new flat and still hadn't finished unpacking. Alright, alright I had had a whole month to do something about it but in my defense lots of work plus being a single mum meant I had to do the school run plus the usual weekend park visits and took up a lot of time.

My "spare" room looked like a cardboard jungle as I'd been suffering with insomnia and spent every night for two weeks making hats and accessories and boxing them up for sale. I knew I had to do something about my lack of sleep eventually but not yet, I had to be ahead of schedule to tide me over for my week off in August.

I decided to invite two of my closest friends around for that week and would need to be able to rearrange the rooms so I could fit a circus when the guys came to stay. Well not an actual circus but 7 men, 3 women and a hyper 4 year old girl was asking for trouble.

I called in reinforcements and emptied my car-less garage to set it up as my workshop. It took until the end of July to have some semblance of order in the garage and house but I'd finally done it!! I left my daughter with my mum for the weekend and took a couple of sleeping tablets to break my month of no sleep.

Namjoon had called a lot over the month but the calls were getting shorter and shorter each time. I could sense his anger at my poor self care. It hurt me to hear pain in his voice and brush him off, but I promised I'd be alright. As soon as I woke up after my 48 hour sleep I called my boyfriend. That sounded so Primary School... boyfriend. I was still laughing when he picked up the call.

I was rewarded by a sleepy face "Why are you so happy?" he yawned.
"Getting to see you after 48 hours of sleep would make even the devil happy babe" I toned down my happiness, concerned by his swollen face and puffy eyes. "What's wrong, love? You don't look so good."

"I've been worrying about you, idiot. You need to take better care of yourself so I can focus better. I got in trouble yesterday for almost missing practice and screwing up the routine several times" he said dispondently.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered tearing up. "I've just been nervous about seeing you and keeping this business going efficiently. I redid the flat and garage, so I can keep work separated from the rest of my life and stop it taking over everything. I've got enough space and stock to reduce my hours and take off a week when you come in August..."

He looked at me silently for a few minutes before giving me a tired sigh. I was glad he understood me so well. "This is going to be a challenging relationship isn't it?" he asked seriously. Fear washed over my face. What if he thought this wasn't going to be worth it? What if he thought I was too much trouble?

"I understand if you feel like you can't do this anymore..." I said, trying to be brave.

"What? Pabo! It would break my heart to end things with you. I just want you to look after yourself better while I'm not with you. I want you to rest properly and stop overworking yourself." the passion in his voice was almost tangible.

Once again I promised to take better care of myself and made him promise to do the same.

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