Until next time

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I was woken up by a heavy feeling on my body that made me panic for a couple of seconds. I had had a couple of nightmares during the night about being abandoned by Namjoon and he had ended up lying on top of me to keep me from lashing out in my sleep.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight trying not to cry, when I heard muffled crying. I lifted up his head and saw tears streaming down his face. He raised his body higher on mine and laid back down, with his forehead rested on mine so he could look into my eyes.

"What happened Jagi?" he whispered before kissing me softly, "I couldn't wake you last night and you kept whimpering and hitting out at the air."

"Shit!" I whispered back closing my eyes, "I kept falling in and out of nightmares about you leaving me."

"Ahh, babe it's OK. You don't have to worry about me leaving you ever! We're going to grow old together then be annoying ghosts together after we die," he said grinning at me.

I dried his eyes before turning to check on Tahlia. She wasn't in the room and neither was anyone else. I heard her squealing with laughter in the kitchen and then her footsteps as she ran for the garden. I heard several roars following and knew what everyone was up to. I was thankful for the extra sleep although I still felt like shit. I tried to sit up but couldn't dislodge Namjoon. He chuckled a soft laugh in my ear right before he sucked on my earlobe. He bit it and growled at me, moving his body into a better position, before kissing my neck and grinding his hips on me.

*Namjoon's POV*

I got up off of Jo for a few seconds so I could lock the door. I wanted to be uninterrupted for a little bit and knew the boys would be fine with Tahlia and packing. She's a bright kid and would keep them in line with no problems. I turned back to Jo with a predatory look on my face, and desire in my eyes. I moved back over to her quickly before she could get up, and rested my foot on her chest, thankful she was a bit sluggish from a rough night. I shook my head at her before moving my foot back to the floor. I stood over her by her feet and proceeded to strip for her, like I did for her birthday, keeping my eyes locked on hers. I hoped she wouldn't notice how nervous I was about doing this in person, her breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened at the sight of me rolling my hips and slowly removing my clothes.

True to my nature I tripped as I took off my boxers and landed next to her, which made her laugh. Her laugh is beautiful like her soul. I hid my face in my hands, mortified that I had messed up trying to be sexy for her. I felt her pull my hands away seconds before she kissed me and stole my breath away.

"I love how clumsy and sexy you are, you know" she said grinning at me before kissing me again.

I was relieved, and returned her kisses while attempting to remove her pajamas. I slipped my hand up the leg of her shorts and was surprised to find there was no underwear underneath. I moaned into her mouth and ran both hands along her thighs under her shorts before lowering them. I sat up with her, still kissing her and pulled off her top. I turned us both over and crouched above her so I could look at her body.

"I love every inch of you, you know. Wobbly bits, scars stretchmarks and all." It was a fact and I meant it with all my heart. I knew how much she had been through in her life and I was grateful that she had held on. She wouldn't have to do it alone anymore now. She would always have me.

I moved so I could spread her legs and settled myself over her. I kissed a trail down her body from the lips on her face to the hot, wet pair between her legs. I watched her face as she fought for control while I teased her with my tongue. I wasn't doing a good enough job as her breathing was fairly even still, I wanted her to let go of her control and lose herself in the moment. I changed my technique and added two fingers to my assault on her body, feeling extremely smug as her eyes lost focus and she bit her lip moaning.

Her body began to move involuntarily and I knew she was close to cumming. I stopped, positioned myself over her and pushed my way into her. It was torture as she was so tight but soaking wet. I had wanted to take my time and make love to her slowly but I couldn't hold back, as I started moving I worried that she might be annoyed that I was going quickly.

"Fuck me hard and fast baby, I don't want it slow" she moaned before moving her hips up to meet mine.

I did exactly as she asked and pounded myself into her body, letting go of my control and just moving with her until I saw stars. I exploded into her seconds after she came with a muffled shout, and collapsed onto her body. She laughed and rolled us over so she was on top and moved her hips a little.

I had to beg her to stop as my nerves were on fire. She kissed me and then got up on shaky legs. I didn't want to move but I had to get ready as our flight was this evening. We went for a shower and went to our room to dress and pack after checking on Tahlia.

It wasn't long before Tia, Yoongi, Jordan and Jimin came back home. I paused and grinned to myself aware that if Jo had been looking at me she'd have thought I was mad... well more than she already did. This was our other home and I was looking forward to coming back one day.

After a late lunch I called a taxi and we bundled into it, heading for the airport and our flight home. Everything would be different tomorrow and I wondered how we'd all cope. Tahlia talked animatedly all the way there. I grew sad at the thought of leaving such a wonderful little person behind and wished I had taken her out by myself and did daddy and daughter stuff with her. A look of mild shock spread over my face as I realized what I had been feeling. I wanted to be Tahlia's dad.

I insisted on picking her up once we got to the airport instead of Hoseok, I had to know if she'd be OK with it. I made her promise not to say anything to her mum and asked her if she'd be OK with me marrying her mum and becoming her dad. I gave her a massive hug when she said yes as she needed a good dad and she liked me lots.

I cried a little full of happiness and sadness but everything was going well with my life and it was almost perfect. We boarded the plane after several teary goodbyes and promises to get together soon. I had so much to do before I could begin my new life as a husband and dad and couldn't wait for that day.

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