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It's always good to let go of yourself in life. And I mean really let go. We had stashed our shoes, bags and jewellery in a locker and fastened on our wristbands. After agreeing to meet up at 2pm for lunch we all went our separate ways round the centre. Tahlia wasted no time dragging Hoseok off to the climbing frame and I could see her "teaching" him how to climb, with a very serious look on her face and then smiles as he climbed up and joined her on each level on their way to the slides.

Jin, Taehyung and Jung Kook headed off to do paint-balling and I pulled Namjoon over to the rock climbing wall. Being quite clumsy he was worried about whether or not he'd make it to the top in one piece. I had already suited up and strapped on my harness. I beckoned him closer and whispered how sexy I found it seeing the harness snug around his ass and crotch. He perked up and we raced our way to the top.

He had assumed that my lack of height would make me somewhat slower than him, but I was determined to force him to spend time looking at my ass framed by the harness so I put my all into staying ahead of him. He reached the top shortly after I did and we shared a quick kiss before I propelled myself down quickly. "I think I have harness burn on my inner thigh" I grumbled, hoping he'd get the hint.

We went over to the frame area and watched Tahlia and Hoseok battling in the giant ball pit. I overheard some bitch making a racist comment on the little "black bitch with the chinky man, who looked like a pedo". Enraged I strode over to her, slapped her and growled into her face; "That 'black bitch' is a four year old child and the 'chinky man' as you so rudely put it is one of my closest friends. Just because no man would touch you or your kids with a barge pole doesn't mean only a pedo would play around with mine so fuck off before I get security."

She stood completely shocked as the sight of a short silver haired girl getting up in her face. Namjoon moved me back a bit from her as he had noticed I was balling up my fists. As the woman went to hit me back, he grabbed hold of her hand. "That's a bad idea, her and her daughter mean the world to me so don't." I had never heard his voice dripping with such anger or seen such a look of hate on his face. She stepped back quickly and dragged her kid screaming out of the ball pit before hurrying off.

I grinned at him and thanked him for backing me up. He told me he meant every word of it and it's exactly how a proper man behaves - protecting and standing up for the ones he loves. I noticed a security guard laughing in the corner, she came over and high fived me. "I was waiting for someone to pop her one" she said, still laughing. "She's been coming here for weeks and offending everyone she sees as less than herself. I've spoken to her before but she told me she didn't need no 'stinking kebab bitch' telling her what to do."

I told her she was welcome after commenting on how stupid woman was and how there was no place for racism in this day and and she went back to her post after agreeing. We still had time before lunch and Jin, Taehyun and Jung Kook had come over, sweating from their paint-ball session. Jin looked really clean, but there was a lot of pink paint on the other two. His smug grin told me he had won their battle. "I go back later. I have trophy." He told us proudly. The three of them then jumped into the ball pit to play with Hoseok and Tahlia, who was calling them all uncle.

Namjoon pulled me off to a sectioned off area and through to a darkened room. He blocked the door and we moved away from it towards some tables in the corner. I stood on tiptoe to kiss him and he made us "fall" onto one of the tables. He pulled my shorts and knickers off again and knelt between my legs. "So where did you hurt yourself baby? Show me and I'll kiss it better" he whispered the last few words as he leaned into me and began licking and kissing along my inner thighs. He licked, kissed and sucked me to orgasm, before getting up and helping me put my clothes back on with a very smug look on his face.

We rejoined the others for lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon running wild and playing like a bunch of overgrown kids. We had found a swimming pool and got some swimwear from the little shop by the entrance. We spent about an hour pretending to be sharks and attacking Tahlia in her swim ring and pretending she was in a speed boat pushing her quickly through the water. We got out and changed into the spare clothes from our locker and had pizza in the garden cafe that belonged to the centre. I noticed Tahlia yawning a lot so called a cab to take us all home.

As it was their last night, we set up all the mattresses and blankets in the front room. I had washed down a sleeping Tahlia and put on her pyjamas, before putting her on the sofa for the night. We took it in turns showering while the others were watching DVDs. I decided I'd like a bit more alone time with Namjoon so had run us a bath with bubbles and bath oils. We sat together, me leaning my back against his chest. We spent 20 minutes reading a short erotic novel together before washing and getting out to join the others.

Tahlia had woken up and was now snuggled up next to Hoseok who had fallen asleep with the others. I snapped a few pictures of them all sleeping peacefully, before Namjoon pulled me into the makeshift bed. He kissed me deeply before we went to sleep. I hoped Jimin, Jordan, Yoongi and Tia were enjoying their nights with each other.

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