Ch. 70 - ALWAYS

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Nova's outfit:

Nova's outfit:

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Chapter Seventy🏹  Always  🏹

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Chapter Seventy
🏹 Always 🏹

Everyone stood around the living room of the Hale family house as Scott draped a little "in memory" sash over a funeral flower arrangement. He glanced over to where Nova stood, one arm wrapped around Alli who was leaning against her and her other around Eli's shoulders.

"The first night I met Derek Hale, him and Nova saved my life." He said, making Nova smile softly, "Then he said we were brothers, and I thought that he was crazy. But no. No, he was right." He said before looking over at Eli and Alli. "Eli, Alli, from that moment on, we were brothers." He said and Alli smiled sadly, holding into her mom's arm while Eli nodded slightly.

"And, uh... Derek Hale was the first person to teach me that you don't just get the family you were born with. You get the family that you find." Scott said. Eli looked at Nova and she smiled sadly at him before moving a piece of hair out of his face and kissing his forehead. He gave her a weak smile before pulling away from her and walking down the hallway a bit.

Nova watched for a moment as Stilinski walked over to Eli, knowing he was going to give Eli the keys to the jeep. Nova reached her hand up, wrapping it around the triskelion necklace that still hung from her neck before looking down at her daughter.

"Hey." Nova said, before crouching down, making Alli turn to her, "I wanna give you something." She said before taking off her necklace. "Dad's tattoo." Alli said and Nova nodded, "Yeah, a triskelion. The Hale family symbol. Your grandma Talia gave it to me not long after your father and I met." Nova said before unhooking the necklace.

She reached up and hooking it around her daughter's neck, making Alli furrow her brows. "You're giving it to me? But you almost never take it off." Alli said and Nova smiled softly, "I want you to have a little something connected to your father." She said. "What about you?" Alli asked and Nova looked at her with a small smile before holding her hand up.

"I have these." She said, showing off her engagement ring and wedding band, "And I have you, and I have Eli. I have what I need." Nova said. Alli smiled at her mother before wrapping her arms around her, making Nova smile softly as she hugged Alli back.

A moment later Nova stood up while Alli walked over to Deaton, who immediately smiled at her before Allison walked up to Nova. "Hey." Allison said, making Nova smile softly, "Hi." She said as they pulled each other onto a hug. The two of them haven't really been able to talk much after everything ended. Nova had gotten busy making sure Eli and Alli are okay and calling people like Cora, Issac and Stiles to tell them about Derek.

"I can't believe Derek was okay with you naming your guy's daughter after me. Which I'm really honored for." Allison said as they pulled back and Nova chuckled, "Actually, it was his idea." She said, making Allison raise her eyebrows. "Really?" Allison asked and Nova nodded, "Shocking, right?" Nova asked and Allison chuckled before smiling sadly at her.

"Are you okay? You've been really calm with all of this." She said and Nova nodded slightly and took a deep breath, "I think after all the times Derek made me think he was dead before proving me wrong... It just doesn't feel real yet. But I'll be okay. I can handle this." Nova said before raising her eyebrows slightly.

"Raising two growing teenagers, one of them being new to magic and the other having to learn control of his werewolf side, alone on the other hand..." Nova trailed off slightly, making Allison laugh. "Well, if you need any help, Scott and I are always there for you." Allison said and Nova smiled at her, "I know. It's good to have you back." She said and Allison smiled before walking away.

A second later Eli walked up to Nova, the keys to the jeep in his hand, making her look at him in amusement. "Go. Take a drive." Nova said, making Eli's eyes widen slightly, "Really?" He asked and she nodded. "Just be careful. I better not hear about you crashing. And later on we can go get you a license so you're not breaking any laws." Nova said and Eli smiled at her, "Thanks, mom." He said and she smiled and playfully pinched his cheek.


Nova stood in front of the flower arrangement, gently adjusting the little sash around it. Everyone had left a little while ago, Eli had taken Alli with him for a drive so now Nova stood in the house alone.

She glanced over at the table next to it, her eyes catching a picture that Cora took of Derek holding Alli after she was born. She smiled softly, wiping a tear that started to fall, "I love you, too." She whispered. She glanced over at another picture from back when she was in high school, the first time. It was of her, Paige and Derek after one of Derek's games. She sighed softly as she picked it up, "Take care of him for me, Paige." She said in a soft whispering before setting it back down.

The front door opened, making her turn around as Eli and Alli walked in, making her smile. "Hey, come here." Nova said, making them walk over and she gently grabbed their shoulders. She smiled sadly at them before looking at Eli, gently grabbing the side of his face.

"I know I've told you this before, but after your father... I wanna make sure you know... I know I'm not your real mom, but I promise I will protect you like I am." She said, and he smiled at her before she looked down at Alli. "Both of you." She said, playfully pinching Alli's chin, "Aren't you technically Scott's protector?" Eli asked and Nova smiled.

"I was... Until I got a new vision a little over ten years ago. Someone new I have to protect." She said, "Who?" Alli asked and Nova glanced down at her. "The both of you." She said, looking between the two of them, "I'm gonna be here with you the entire time. Protecting you, teaching you everything you need to know about being a werewolf and a witch. Helping you with school work. Everything. I'm always going to be here for you guys." She said and Eli glanced down for a moment.

"What if we lose you too?" He asked, his eyes slightly glossy and Nova shook her head, "That's never gonna happen, I won't allow it. I promise you that, and I will keep my promise. I love you both, so much. Always." She said in a slight whisper towards the end. Eli and Alli both wrapped their arms around her, making her tightly hug them back.

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