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Nova's outfit

Chapter Twenty-four🦎 Master Plan 🦎

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Chapter Twenty-four
🦎 Master Plan 🦎

Deputies finish questioning players while Stilinski talks with Nova, Isaac and Scott, both boys are now changed out of their uniforms. Flipping the pages of his note pad, Stilinski's hands are noticeably shaky. "I have to meet the medical examiner and figure out what happened with Jackson, but I've got an A-P-B out for Stiles. His Jeep's still in the parking lot, which means... well, I don't know what it means. If he answers his phone or email or if
either of you see him.."

"We'll call you." Nova said resting her hand on Stilinski's shoulder, using a small amount of magic to help him calm down. "Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him." Scott said and Stilinski nodded, "Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" Stilinski says, but doesn't look encouraged. He motions for his men to follow and the locker room begins clearing out.

An unusually distraught Coach approaches Scott. He can't seem to stop turning his whistle over and over with his fingers. "McCall, we need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you back on the field next season unless your grades are up."

"I know, Coach."

"I mean I yell and scream a lot but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but that's different. I'm just saying we need you. Get your grades up, okay? Get back on the team."

"I will." Still gripping the whistle, Coach heads for the door. The three of them anxiously wait for his footsteps to fade.

"Is that everyone?"

"I think so-"
The sound of metal ripping off hinges turns Isaac around. A locker door clatters to the floor as Scott rifles through the inside, pulling out two of Stiles' shirts handing one to Nova.
"You're going to find him by scent?" Isaac asks as Scott hands him a shoe.

"First Nova's gonna try to find him and if it doesn't work then we'll find him by scent." Scott said and Isaac looks down at the shoe, "Why do you get his shirt and I get a shoe?"

But Scott doesn't answer. Past Isaac, Derek stands at the other end of the room. "We need to talk." Derek says as Nova and Isaac turn around. But then Peter rounds the corner of the locker cages. "All of us."

"Holy shi-"


Isaac and Nova behind him, Scott keeps a cautious gaze on Peter and Derek at the other end of the locker room. "What the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's Station." Derek said making Nova suck im a deep breath and look away, already knowing about Scott's plan. "Okay, hold on. He threatened to kill my mom. And I needed to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"

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