Bonus Ch. #2

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Bonus Chapter

~ Five Months ~

Nova woke up slightly and noticed Derek wasn't next to her anymore making her sit up and look around confused before getting up. She walked over to Alli's room to see the door already wide open. Peering in, a smile instantly grew on her face as she leaned against the door frame.

Inside the room Derek stood with a wide awake Alli in his arms as he gently rocked her. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her head making her let out a high pitched giggle with made him smile down at her.

Nova smiled happily at her husband and daughter before walking over and wrapping her arms around Derek waist, resting her chin on his shoulder. Alli instantly noticed Nova making her giggle more. Nova chuckled and moved to stand in front of Derek, leaning down to kiss Alli's head. When Nova went to pull back up, she didn't get far for Alli had grabbed onto her hair.

"Ah, okay ow." Nova said, gently pulling her hair away from her giggling daughter before looking up at Derek who was silently chuckling. "I love being a parent." She sighed and he chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her, making sure not to squish the baby.

~ Three Years Old~

Nova walked out of the kitchen only to quickly move back to avoid collision with her giggling daughter, who was getting chased by her father. Alli ran into the kitchen and hid behind her mother's legs as Derek ran in. He noticed Alli hinding behind Nova making him smile and look at Nova with raised eyebrows.

"I believe you have something that I want." Derek said and Alli giggled and hid her face while Nova looked at Derek with a smile and raised eyebrows. "Oh? You mean a brain?" Shd teased making him playfully glare at her. "That hurts babe." He said, acting offended even though he still held a wide smile, making her chuckle.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to get her myself." Derek said looking down at Alli who squealed, holding on tightly to Nova. "No! No! You can't. Mommy's the safes zone." Alli said making Nova three her head back and laugh before turning around and picking her daughter up. "Don't worry, I won't let the big bad wolf get you." Nova joked, laughing with Alli stuck her tongue out at her father.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to get her too then." Derek said and Novs quickly tried to run off but Derek grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. Alli squealed as Derek started tickling her sides while Nova watched the two with a fond smile.

Six Years Old

Nova sat on her front porch, Lydia and Malia next to her as they watched Stiled and Scott play around with Alli. After everything with Monroe and her hunters finally ended, the supernatural drama in Beacon Hills had died down a bit. Enough for the pack to go off to college. And while they were off at college, Nova and Derek had gotten the Hale Home property back from the state and rebuilt the Hale House. Nova also made sure to put a fire resistant spell over the house.

"So how's college going?" Nova asked looking over at girls making Malia groan, "I hate it. Why didn't anyone else it that Collage is worse then highschool? Thank god it's summer." Malia said making Nova and Lydia laugh. Lydia was about to say something but was cut short when Alli came running over.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Alli said, slightly out of breath, "Where's daddy?" She asked and Nova smiled at her, "He's inside with uncle Peter why?" Nova asked and Alli giggled. "Uncle Stiles just told me about how he got daddy in trouble with papa Noah. Twice!" Alli said excitedly.



"Ugh! You're so unfair!" Someone yelled which was soon followed by a door slamming making Nova jump slightly and walk out of the kitchen to see Derek and Alli standing in front of each other with their arms crossed. Alli was glaring at her father while Derek was just looking at her with his eyebrows raised at her. "Do I want to know?" Nova asked making them look at her.

"Dad wont let me go out with Jake tonight." Alli said making Nova smile softly and look over at Derek with raised eyebrows. "He's eighteen, you're sixteen." He argued making his daughter scoff, "Okay and? People think mom was seventeen and you were twenty-three when you guys started dating." Alli argued making Nova snort.

"She's got you there babe."

"You bearly know this guy. For all we know he could try to hurt you." Derek said and Alli just rolled her eyes, "Yeah that's like the whole point of a date, to get to know someone." She said. Nova chuckled watching her husband and daughter argued. It was always amusing to her when they argued cause as everyone knows Derek Hale is stubborn as all hell. But Allison Hale had not only her fathers stubbornness, but also mother's stubbornness and sarcasm. "And plus, if he was some kind of undercover hunter or something, I can protect myself. Mom as been training me for years and I'm a Healer. I'll be fine."

Derek went to say something but Nova cut in while walking over to them. "Der, I already told Alli she could go on this date. So she going." Nova said making Alli smile and Derek's frown deepen, he opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Nova gave him a look, "Thank you mom." Alli said hugging Nova. "Alright, he's picking you up soon so go get ready." Nova said and Alli instantly ran up the stairs.

"You know, you're supposed to be on my side." Derek said and Nova chuckled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "You know, she has to grow up eventually. She sixteen, not six, Der. You gotta let her do stuff like this, no matter the outcome. It's how she learns."

"I know, but she's still my little girl. And she will always be, even when she's forty." Derek grumbled making Nova chuckle, "Oh, I don't doubt that." She said, connecting their lips for a moment. The second they pulled away the door bell rang making Derek completely pull away from Nova. His protective dad mode activated as he walked towards the door, "I'll get that."

"Derek no-"

Allison Hale throughout the years.

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