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Nova's outfit

Autor's Note:As you all know, this is the episode with the Derek and Paige flash backs

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Autor's Note:
As you all know, this is the episode with the Derek and Paige flash backs. So, instead of Derek and Paige flashback there's gonna mostly be flashbacks of when Nova was actually a teenager. There will be some Derek and Paige moments but mostly Nova, or well, Violet and her family and friends.

When you see
** and italic
It's a flashback

Chapter Thirty-two

** Fifteen year old Violet Deaton sat in the passenger seat watching as teen zoomed past. "Hey, don't look so bored. You're the one who wanted to go visit Alan." Violet looked over to see her mom, Abigail Deaton, reaching over to turn down the radio. "I'm not bored. Your horrible dancing as been quite entertaining." Violet said making her mom laugh.

"Hey, your father used to love my dancing." Abigail said making Violet snort. "Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of things dad liked about you if I'm here." Violet said as they pulled up to a red light. Abigail threw her head back to the head rest, letting out a loud laugh. "You know sometimes I wonder where you get your humor from." She said making Violet smile and shrug.

"So, when we get into town I would like to go visit an old friend of mine. You could come with, she has a few kids. One of them is your age. You could finally make a friend. Lord knows you need one." Abigail said making her daughter gasp, "Mom!"

"What? I'm just telling you the truth. I swear your only friends are me, your father and Alan and Marin. And we bearly count. You need someone your whose not twice your age as a friend." Abigail said making Violet roll her eyes, "People my age are idiots." She mumbled making her mom chuckle. "Then maybe you can change them."

Violet turned to look at her mom but something else caught her eye. "Mom! Mom, watch out!" She yelled, her mother turned her head right as a speeding truck came crashing into them. It seemed like everything turned to slow motion as glass flew everywhere, smaller pieces cut at Violet's face and arms as the car spun around before slowly stopping.

Breathing heavily Violet looked over at her mom to see a large piece of glass sticking out of her mother's chest making her cry out. Without thinking Violet scrambled to get out of the car as thoughts swarmed around her head. The air around seemed to thicken as she found it harder to breathe. Until suddenly, she fell to the ground and let out a loud, painful scream.

A sharp burst of energy seemed to burst from her and travel for miles. When her screams subsided so did the energy and Violent fell onto her hands and knees, letting out violent sobs. **

Staring at a spiral that was cut into the metal wall of the distillery, Derek paid no attention to the footsteps coming up behind him. A hand intertwined with his as another arm wrapped around his then someone rested their chin on his shoulder.

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