Ch. 15 - ICE PICK

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Nova's outfit

Nova's outfit

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Chapter Fifteen
🦎 Ice Pick 🦎

Nova stood in between Stiles and Lydia in PE, watching Scott and Allison climb up the rock climbing wall. Suddenly Allison kicked Scott's foot making him fall off to the mat with a groan making everyone laugh.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your
pain gives me a special kind of joy." Coach said leaning down to Scott before standing back up, looking at his clipboard, "All right, next two. Stilinski. Erica. Let's go!"

Stiles steps alongside Erica Reyes, a girl whose nerves look as frayed as her hair. While Stiles ascends with enviable speed, Erica slowly drags her out-of-shape body up. As Stiles lands back down on the mats, everyone else looks up to Erica. Pinned on the wall, she's not moving. "Erica? You okay? Dizzy? Vertigo?" Coach called out. "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia said.

"Erica!" Coach called, "I'm fine." She called back weakly, "Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Nova said making Coach look at her wide-eyed before looking back up. "Why the hell doesn't anyone tell me these things? Erica, you're good. Push off. I'll ease you down." But now she won't move at all, eyes squeezing shut in fear making Nova step forward.

"Erica? You're okay. Just let go, there's a mat down her to catch you. I'm here too, you won't get hurt." Nova called up. Closing her eyes, Erica finally pushes off. She swings out, hands grasping desperately for the safety line. Coach grapples with the cord, managing to ease her down. When her feet hit the mat, Nova smiled softly at her and helped her out of the harness.

She slowly turns to face the stares. They gaze on her with that horrible pity in their eyes. "That's it, Erica. Shake it off." Coach says. A few kids snicker, as she walks away. Nova glared at the group of people, "Hey! Shut the hell up before I shove all of your egotistical head up your asses." She called out before jogging to catch up to Erica to check on her.

After a few minuets of searching Nova found Erica sitting on the floor of the girls bathroom crying. "Erica?" Nova asked softly, walking over to her. "I don't want your pity. You don't get it. Everyone likes you." Erica said weakly as Nova sat down next to her.

"Yeah. Yeah you're right, I don't get how you feel right now. But I do know how it feels to be laughed at for something you can't help." She sighed making Erica slowly look up at her, "Really?" She asked and Nova nodded slowly. "When my mom died I had taken a month off school. And the first day back I ended up having a panic attack. And every kid around me laughed as I ran out of class crying. Luckly I had someone there for me to help me."

"I don't have anyone." Erica whispered and Nova looked at her sadly, "If you want someone, I'm here. Whenever you need someone you can come find me." She said making Erica smile at her. Standing up, Nova looked at Erica with a kind smile, "I'm gonna go change, but remember. I'm always there if you need someone."

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