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Nova's outfit

Chapter Fifty-Eight 💰 Monstrous 💰

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Chapter Fifty-Eight
💰 Monstrous 💰

"Do you see them?" Nova called out over the sound of heavy rain as her and Kira got out of her car. They looked around for a moment until Kira grabbed her arm and pointed over to the lacrosse field, "There!" She yelled and Nova looked over to see two figures on the field. The two girls instantly made a beeline to the field.

Kira swung her katana, cutting an arrow that was aiming for Brett's chest before turning to the two siblings, "Run!" She yelled and they took off running. "Go with them! Take them to my car." Nova said handing Kira her keys, "What about you?" Kira asked and Nova smirked. "I'm gonna show these fuckers a magic trick." She said and Kira ran after Brett and Lori.

Nova turned to the direction of the red lasers, closing her eyes and slightly holding her arms out as arrows flew past her. Suddenly all the arrows stopped, floating in mid while Nova muttered something under her breath. After a couple seconds all the arrows lit on fire and burned until they were nothing but ash.

Nova let her arms fall, eyes still closed. Suddenly her hand shot out a gripped an arrow that was inches from hitting her chest. She took a deep breath, feeling all the assassins' energy and finally opened her white eyes as the rain around all the assassins got heavier and heavier until it was to thick to see past it clearly or hear anything. When the rain finally went back to normal the lacrosse field was completely empty.


"Actually, I think I found all of them..." Kira trailed off as she led Scott into the back room of the clinic to see Satomi, her pack and Nova standing around.
"Satomi, this is who I was telling you about." Kira said and Satomi turned around and smiled, "I know who Scott McCall is." She said making Scott look at her both shocked and confused.

"Are we safe here?" Lori asked and Nova placed a gentle, comforting hand on her shoulder as Scott looked around at all the pack members, some where hurt and had been patched up by Nova, but all were scared.

"We're gonna need help... a lot of help."


"Wait! Wait! Brett!" Nova yelled as they all ran forward towards Brett who was growling at Argent, "This is his place-- it's his." Scott said and Brett backed down and walked back over to his pack.

Argent sighed, lowering his gun as he walked up to Scott and Nova, "If you're bringing guests, you could have called." He said and Scott sighed. "I didn't have anywhere else to take them."

"I know this man... He may not remember, but we've met before." Satomi said, walking up to stand next to Nova, "You can trust him. We trust him." Nova said making Satomi glance at her. "How do we know he's not like the others?" Satomi asked making Argent look at her confused, "What others?" He asked and Nova and Kira glanced at each other. "Last night. There was a whole team after them, and they used crossbows." Nova said and Kira handed over the arrow she cut in half. "They're Hunters, aren't they?" Scott asked and Chris sighed deeply looking up at him, "Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore."

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