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Nova's outfit(s)

Nova's outfit(s)

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Chapter Twenty-eight ⊚ Unleashed ⊚

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Chapter Twenty-eight

"If you hate this so much then why did you sign up for the track team anyways?" Stiles asked as him, Nova, Scott and Isaac walked up to where everyone was meeting to run. "Because Coach said that I didn't get all my credits in econ last year. He said if I joined track he'll give me those credits. I have to pretend that I actually give a fuck about graduating." She said.

At the starting line, Isaac kneels to tighten his shoelaces. But then pauses, holding still. Gripping the laces, his hands curl into fists as he slowly turns to find Aiden getting into position on his right. Ethan steps in at his left. Both looking on Isaac like an old rival. Coach blows the whistle and the twins race forward, moving far faster than any other runner.

Stunned, Isaac kneels there, motionless. But shock falls away to fury and he rises, bolting forward when Scott grabs him, yanking him back. Isaac looks at him with eyes glowing yellow. "It's them."He shrugs free of Scott's grasp. "Isaac, wait-Isaac!" But he's off, vanishing into the woods ahead. With a frustrated breath, Scott charges after him.

Nova went to run after them but felt a sudden rush of dizziness making her grab on to Stiles, "What? What's going on?" He asked and she looked at him and went to say something but then her eyes went completely white making his eyes widen, "O-oh." He pulled her off the side, looking around to make sure no one saw her.

Nova looked around to see she was in what seemed like the middle of the woods, not far from where she just was. Turning around she let out a gasp as she noticed a teenager against a tree, trying to fight off a wire around his neck but failing. His head fell forward and whats when Nova noticed the gash on the side of his head.

She was about to step forward when she saw two hands reach around the tree. One grabbed the boy's hair pulling his head up while the other brought a knife up to the boy's before cutting it open. Nova gasped, her hand shooting up to her mouth.

"What did you see?" Stiles asked as he noticed her eyes go back to normal. She didn't answer, instead started looking around when suddenly a scream ran through the forest.

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