Ch. 13 - OMEGA

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Nova's outfit(s)

Nova's outfit(s)

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Chapter Thirteenth

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Chapter Thirteenth

Omega 🦎

"So this is your new hide out?" Nova asked as Derek led her down the stairs into the Railway Depot. "Don't look too impressed." Derek said sarcastically as Nova look around, making a face. "It's just.. kinda gross? I mean, its dirty, probably infested with bugs and rodents. The subway is rusty. There's no where comfortable to sit. It is a lot more discreet than the house was so that's a pro but there's still so many cons." She said turning to Derek with a sheepish smile.

"Well, it's something. I'm gonna need some place for when I get some betas." He said making her look at him with a stern look, "I swear to god Derek Hale. If you go om biting people they better 100% willing even after you tell them about the hunters."

"I know what I'm doing, Violet." He said and she snorted, "Uh huh."

He smiled and raised his eyebrows at her, "Do you have to criticise every decision I make?" He said walking up to her.

"Derek, I'm your girlfriend. It's my job. Plus, with your track record, you need someone to criticise your decisions." She said, wrapping her arms around his shoulder as he put his hands on her waist.

"As my girlfriend it's your job to kiss me right now." He smirked making her smile and raise her eyebrows, "Oh yeah? Wanna have a hot make out session on an abandon subway compartment?" She joked, laughing when he rolled her eyes.

He was about to connect their lips when Fleetwood Mac started playing making him growl under his breath as she pulled her phone out. She laughed at Derek's reaction before answering, "Yes Scott?" She answered.

"Where are you?"

"Narnia, why? What's up?"

"Stiles just called. Lydia just disappeared. Meet me at his jeep at the hospital." He said before handing up. Nova sighed and looked at Derek.

"Wanna drop me off at the hospital?"


In the hospital parking lot, Stiles jumps behind the wheel of his Jeep. Scott in the passenger seat, Nova in the the back. The boys turned around and Stiles handed Nova Lydia's hospital gown. "This is the one she was just wearing?" She asked and he nodded.

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