Bonus Ch. #3

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Bonus Chapter
#3 - Meeting Alli

Deucalion meeting Alli

At the sound of knocking, Derek looked up confused before getting up from the couch and went to answer the door. He wasn't expecting to see Nova's father on the other side of the door. "Derek." Deucalion nodded and Derek stepped over to the side to let him in, "How did you know we lived here?" Derek asked and Deucalion chuckled. "Violet's my daughter. I would be able to find her anywhere in the world." He said and then looked over at the sound of footsteps.

Nova turned the corner into the living only to freeze for a second, not expecting to see her father standing in the middle of the living room. "Dad, what a surprise." She said with a small smiled before giving him a quick hug. "Sorry for showing up unannounced. I just finished helping Scott out with the newest threat in Beacon Hills and thought it would be nice to see my daughter again." He said and she smiled.

He looked his daughter over and noticed her slight exhausted demeanor and was about to question it but was cut short by a small cry trailing throughout the apartment. Derek smiled softly, resting his hand on Nova's shoulder, "I'll get her." He said and she smiled thankfully at him and he walked off. When he walked out of the room, Nova slowly turned to her father with a small smile.

"So dad, are you ready to meet your granddaughter?" She asked making him look at her shocked before Derek walked back into the room. In his arms was baby Alli, no more than a few weeks old, swaddled in a light grey blanket. He walked up to Nova and Deucalion, looking down at his daughter with a fond smile.

"Dad, meet Allison Talia Hale." Nova said and Deucalion gazed down at his granddaughter with a smile and slightly glossy eyes. "Do you want to hold her?" Derek asked and Deucalion looked up at him, "May I?" He asked and Derek nodded and gently passed Alli over to Deucalion.

Nova chuckled, it was always amusing to her to see someone as big as Derek or Deucalion holding such a small baby. Deucalion gazed down at the small child in his arms and couldn't help but remember when he held Nova for the first time. "She looks a lot like you did." He said looking up at Nova who chuckled, "Just wait, she's probably gonna end up with Derek's hair."

After that day Deucalion made sure to visit his family at least once a month.

♡ Isaac meeting Alli ♡

"What are you doing?" Nova asked, placing her hands on her hip. Derek slowly looked up from the book he was reading, "Reading?" He said slowly in a slight questioning tone. "Derek! Isaac's going to be here any minute." She said and he chuckled and stood up. "Vi, it's Isaac. Not the queen." He said and she rolled her eyes. "Exactly, it's Isaac. We haven't seen him in a while and he's going to be meeting our daughter."

Derek went to say something but door bell rang making Nova jump and excitedly run over to the door. "Isaac!" She said throwing her arms around the tall teenager who chuckled and tightly hugged her back. They pulled away after a few seconds and then Isaac and Derek hugged, "It's good to see you guys again." Isaac said and they smiled at him. "I'll be right back." Nova said and ran off to the other room.

"Why is she so excited?" Isaac asked and Derek chuckled, "You'll see." He said patting Isaac on the back. After a few seconds, Nova came back carrying Alli who was about a month old now making Isaac gasp in shock. "Woah." He said and Nova and Derek laughed, "Does this mean I can make mom jokes about you and not get punched?" He said making Nova squint at him and scoff. "Like me punching you was gonna ever stop you."

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