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Nova's outfit

Chapter Twenty-three 🦎 Battlefield 🦎

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Chapter Twenty-three
🦎 Battlefield 🦎

"How are you feeling? After everything that happened with Matt?" Ms. Morrell asks as Nova sat in front of her while messing with her shorts. She didn't want to do this whole counselor session, but Ms. Morrell specifically asked for Nova.

"I feel fine." Nova shrugged, "He died. How am I supposed to feel? I was never his friend. He was a creep who took pictures of Allison and I. He held a gun to my head and strangled me." She said and Morrell glanced down at the dark purple bruise on Nova's neck.

"But how to you feel? I'm not asking how you feel about Matt's death. I'm asking how you feel after everything."

"I'm fine." Nova said glancing at Morrell who obviously didn't believe her as she glanced down at her papers. "I spoke to Stiles earlier. He told me you've been more quiet since that night. Why's that?"

"I guess I've just been thinking about everything."


Nova sighed, biting her lip before answering, "Thinking about how scared I was. Because for the first time since- for years, I was truly scared." She said looking at Morrell.

"Scared that you were going to die?"

Nova shook her head, "Not necessarily. I was scared that I was gonna die before saying all the things I want to say to people." She said before looking back down at her lap.

"Things like what?"

"I realized that I don't tell the family I have left that I love them enough." She said looking up at Morrell who smiled softly at her. "I realized I don't talk or hang out with some of my friends enough." Nova said as tears started to cloud her vision. She took a deep breath before looking back up at Morrell.

"I was scared that I would die and my relationship would be left at something awkward. I was scared that I might die before I can tell my boyfriend that I love him."


After the meeting with Ms. Morrell, Nova met Derek at the Hale house.

An old and burned book drops to the floor. Derek grabs another from a shelf inside the Hale House, desperately searching and discarding book after book. He pauses, turning to see Nova walking over to him with a small smile.

"You okay?" He asked noticing how off she has been since that night at the station. She nodded, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest as he brought a hand up to her upper arm, comfortingly rubbing his thumb in circles.

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