The awakening

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"Boot up initiated" a male voice said with no emotions. Suddenly, as if someone turned on the lights, [They] could see something. A room. One of the walls had a glass window with people behind it. They were all wearing lab coats. Then [They] could hear them speak. "-to have been successful." One of the men said. Seeing how [They] didn't get the full sentence [They] were probably not able to hear up until now.

"Boot up complete." The same male voice from before said. Another scientist opened his mouth and said "It seems so." And then walked closer to something that seemed to be a microphone. "Can you hear us?" It took 'Them' a moment to realise that he was talking about them. [They] tried to respond and to their surprise another computerized voice resounded in their stead "Yes?". It was more human sounding than the former one, and to their embarrassment it also conveyed their confusion perfectly well.

The presumed scientists started to talk to each other. Words like "success" and "finally" were thrown into the room more than once. [They] were just as confused as before. [They] tried to shift their view to the rest of the room. Surprisingly, their whole vision started to move. Mechanical whirring could be heard alongside the movement. [They] figured that they are probably in some kind of mechanical body. The room [They] are in seemed fairly limited. No doors, no windows except for the one the presumed scientists are standing in, no vents, nothing other than plain white walls. "Where am I?" [They] asked the scientists, hoping for answers.

"Do you not remember?" one of the scientists said questioningly. "... No ..." [They] answered quietly. "Huh... I am sure your memories will come back eventually... for now let me clear up a few things. You are inside one of Aperture Science test Chambers. You are an AI created for the purpose of managing parts of or maybe even the whole of Aperture Laboratories. You were created using a human brain as base. Mind upload if you will. It took 'a bit' of time, but we finally managed." The same scientist from before said sounding somewhat excited. [They] were already in a whole other thought process though 'Aperture Laboratories... A company that focuses on getting new scientific breakthroughs. Rival to Black Mesa. How do I know this information? Checking my memories there is nothing other than pure information. A lot of information. But I can't connect any of the information with memories... It's as if I just read about it somewhere.'

"Who are you?" [They] asked, this time sounding a bit less confused. "My name is Henry Peterson. You can just call me Henry though. I am one of Aperture's scientists and was tasked along with my colleagues here to develop you. The blond haired guy over there is James Nelson. The bald one next to him is William Anderson and the black haired guy behind me is Rocco Person. I kid you not Rocco is literally called Person." All of them gave a small "hello" when their name was called. Though Rocco seemed to sigh at the comment.

When thinking about their individual name information popped into [Their] head.
'Henry Peterson – Head and computer scientist, married, 43 years old, born in the USA.
James Nelson – Expert in computer science, 41 years old, single, born in the USA.
William Anderson – Neuroscientist and computer scientist, single, 33 years old, born in the UK.
Rocco Person – Biochemist and computer scientist, in a relationship, 39 years old, born in Sweden.'

[They] processed the information for a bit and then asked "Who am I?". Henry stopped for a bit. Then he said "I'm not going to tell you your name since I am hoping you will remember it on your own... but for now we will call you GLaDOS. It stands for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System." GLaDOS wasn't really satisfied with that answer, but despite that they nodded with their mechanical body. They managed to tune out the mechanical whirring at this point.

"What will we do now?" GLaDOS asked wondering about their situation from now on. Henry looked at something GLaDOS couldn't quite make out, though it seemed to be a round object. He then turned back to them. "For now this will be all for today. We will turn your off and return tomorrow. It's quite late after all." He said yawning a bit at the end. 'Turn me off?! No- They ca-' were the first thoughts coming to the mind of GLaDOS though it was already too late.

"Shutdown initiated" the male computer voice from before resounded. At first GLaDOS couldn't move their body anymore. As much as they tried it just wouldn't move. "Good ni-" is the last thing GLaDOS heard from henry before their hearing turned off. The last thing GLaDOS saw was Henry waving before everything became dark.

"Shutdown Complet-"

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