Aperture Science Not-Military Grade Turrets

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Nolan Point of View

It was a normal morning for Nolan. Well as normal as it gets when you wake up in laboratory everyday as a test subject. Though he got used to it over the past month he has been here. Yesterday the scientist announced something weird though. Apparently, a new system was going to be tested out that would manage most of the testing. They didn't give much info on it though. He stood up and changed into the testing clothes. Orange jacket, orange trousers, white shirt, black shoes. Like every day. He said down on his bed again waiting for something to happen.

Then, suddenly, a voice resounded. It was female, though it sounded very computerized. "Good morning, Nolan Goodwin. We will begin testing on the new testing track today. I am GLaDOS and will accompany you along the track. If you have any question, feel free to ask." Nolan stood up from the bed again. He thought that something was weird about the generated message, but choose to ignore it for now. "No further questions."

The door to the floor opened in front of Nolan. He looked around noticing the other doors. He always wondered what the other test subjects were like, but they almost never met. He continued onward to the elevator. "In today's testing track we will test the Beta Gel, better known as Propulsion Gel." Nolan nodded, for a short amount of time he wondered if the program could even recognize nodding, but then noticed a camara looking directly at him. Following his every movement. 'They seem to have done a good job at this supervision program...'

"As part of a safety protocol for the Beta Gel I have to warn you that moving too fast on the gel towards a wall might break bones. If you feel that one or more of your bones might be broken or fractured, please tell us immediately, it is not part of the planned testing experience." GLaDOS said. Nolan, having tested with the Alpha Gel before, was used to danger. Though usually the scientists weren't this direct about the danger. Also, Nolan could swear he heard a bit of sarcasm at the end. He decided to just answer with "Will do." Guessing that forming too complex sentences would maybe cause problems for the program. Also the only contacts he had since starting the testing were the scientist so he isn't really as used to talking anymore.

The door to the testing chamber opened. It was a singular large room. In the middle was a hole for some weird reason. There was a ramp next to it. Right next to the entrance were also five small buttons with directional arrows on them. The middle one just had a liquid symbol though. When he pressed them, a tube on the ceiling moved. The one above the hole stayed stationary though. Nolan tried to move the tube over the ramp, and pressed the liquid button. An orange gel came out of the tube covering everything below. It also seemed like periodically a cube would fall into the pit.

Having been an Olympian, jumping over holes was nothing for him, so he took aim on the ram and started running. The moment he touched the Beta Gel he noticed how most of the friction was gone, and he started to accelerate. He managed to catch the cube right in mid air and land without further problems. Using the cube, he opened the door.

"Congratulations on finishing the first test chamber. Please go through the Material Emancipation Grill. It will vaporize any unauthorized equipment that passes through it. For example, the Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube. Please notify us if you feel sudden pains or taste blood in your mouth when going through the Emancipation Grill. That is not part of the planned testing experience." GLaDOS said the moment the cube touched the button. Again, he was already acquainted with the fizzlers as the scientist code named them, though this was the first time he heard about there being any danger to it. Is the program malfunctioning? Or were the scientists just not telling them all the risks? And like before Nolan could swear he heard a hint of sarcasm at the end... 'Well, no time to hesitate now. Let's go through...' Nolan brazed himself... nothing. Just a normal fizzler.

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