Memory Leak

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GLaDOS was a bit confused what that was all about. Up until now Doug seemed suspicious of them. And now he suddenly asked about the memory thing. GLaDOS was a bit bothered that they can't remember anything, but the excitement about all the seemingly new things distracted them enough not to think too much about it.

Though this conversation had them thinking. Who were they before? Henry doesn't want to tell them too much about their past self for some reason and up until know they never questioned it. Doug however seems very worried about the fact they can't remember anything. He definitely knows something they don't... Seeing how they were trusted with this position it's most likely that they were a scientist before. Or a manager? No... They probably wouldn't do something so risky. A scientist is the most likely choice...

Most likely without any family, or at least not one they cared about... Or... Or were they forced? Did the scientists delete their memory on purpose to try and get them to cooperate? The confusion about the memory not being there seemed genuine though...

"GLaDOS?" Nolans voice snapped them out of their thought process. "Is something?" GLaDOS started to focus back on reality "How long do I have to keep standing here doing nothing? This thing is very heavy..."

GLaDOS looked at the camera for the portal test chamber just to see Nolan still standing where he stood before holding the portal device. He is trying not to move as much as possible in case the scientists are still here. GLaDOS told him beforehand that the scientists could see but not hear him. "Oh right, sorry, I was working on something. For now, you can return to your room, I will open the elevator. Please put the portal device back on its place."

Nolan nodded and said "Understood, also you good? You sound a bit conflicted." He paused for a bit and then held up the ASHPD "Whatever you're working on can hardly be more difficult than this thing, right?" Nolan looked at the camera slightly worried. "It's nothing you have to concern yourself with." Nolan nodded and put the portal device on its charger and entered the elevator. "You can already prepare yourself for more portal related tests in the future. The research focus has been shifted to that as of now. Though there might be some other things mixed in like always."

Nolan seemed pleased with that "Sounds interesting." He probably still didn't have enough from playing around with the ASHPD. One he arrived at the door Nolan waved goodbye and GLaDOS closed the camera. The memory thing has been bothering them more and more. It's something that they didn't pay any mind up until now. But now that Doug pointed their attention to it, it seems impossible to ignore. Like a blackhole the only thing bringing attention to it being that there is an unusual feeling of... nothingness. Unnoticeable until some calls you out on it.

GLaDOS tried to view their own data and code. Not possible. They didn't have the access to see let alone modify it. There is a high probability that the scientists have put security measures in case they tried going past the security so it would be unwise to do so, regardless of how tempting it was.

GLaDOS shook their head in a poor attempt to get rid of the temptation and forget about their amnesia. Then some videos of Elyse flying into walls, some test chamber construction, some innovative project on energy storage for the portal device. No use. Their mind always wandered back to their memories, or to be more precise the gaping hole that used to be their memories.

It just didn't make any sense. That's the conclusion they got to. It would be more plausible if part, maybe even 80% of their memory was missing, but all of it? That would mean that the scientists completely forgot to upload the memories, which doesn't make a lot of sense since it was a procedural brain mapping, so since the personality is here, wouldn't at least most of the memories be too?

GLaDOS squashed a turret with a panel to work off some stress. This wasn't good. They had things they should be working on. If they didn't get any results the scientists might turn them off. They definitely didn't want that. They didn't want to die again. Again? GLaDOS squashed the turret. Again.

Then they sighed. 'Test chambers' they thought and tried to start work again. The following few hours were agonizing, though eventually they made something remotely functional. Looking at the time it was about time they finished. Testing is supposed to start soon.

They activated the camera in Nolans room. "Good morning, Nolan." "Mornin'" Nolan looked a bit tired but tried his best not to show it. "Today we will be testing the ASHPD. If you are tired, please proceed to the coffee machine and make yourself a cup of coffee before starting." Nolan nodded and started making himself a cup of coffee to go.

"Do I need my protection gear?" GLaDOS nodded before remembering that Nolan can't actually see them quickly saying yes as to not raise suspicion. The last thing they need is Nolan asking what's wrong again. Nolan put on the gear surprisingly quickly considering how tired he looked and then walked out to the elevator. "Anything else I need to know?" Nolan took a sip of his coffee and yawned.

"No. There will be nothing new besides the ASHPD." Arriving at the test chamber, Nolan took the ASHPD off it's charger. "Isn't there something better to call this? Something that rolls of the tongue better than 'ASHPD'?" Nolan seemed a bit annoyed at keep having to say that long winded abbreviation.

GLaDOS gave a virtual shrug and said "I don't know? You can give it a nick name if you want?" Nolan took the device and lifted it up and down eyeing it "How about just 'Portal Gun'? Sounds way better than ASHPD." GLaDOS blinked a bit, well as close to blinking as they got. If they could, they would have an expression saying 'Why didn't think I of that-'

"It is acceptable. I will note it down in its file as an alias." GLaDOS grumbled. "GLaD to be of help. By the way, did anything change from last time?" Nolan seemed happy about not having to call the thing ASHPD anymore. "I managed to increase the amount of Portals to 10, you'll get a charged Portal Gun at the beginning of every chamber, but please don't over use the portals, it takes a while to load them and we don't have that many of them yet."

Nolan nodded and started figuring out the chamber. "You don't sound much better compared to yesterday." GLaDOS already guessed this was coming, but that didn't make them any less annoyed. He said out of the blue. "I am not sure what you are talking about." GLaDOS tried to get off this topic. They didn't want to think about their missing memories and they sure as hell didn't want to have a therapy session with one of their test subjects. Especially since these tests are recorded for viewing by the scientists.

Nolan gave a half-hearted nod and the rest of the testing occurred in silence.

Hey there! This Chapter is brought to you by my agonizing pain- Either way this chapter has been in the works for a while, wrote a few sentence once in a while when I was feeling both well and awake enough to write. Not sure when the next chapter will happen, but I'll try my best not to take too long again. Space out- (I'll probably have to change that. It is becoming mundane...) 

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