"We can save on the Janitors"-Pill

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It was finally the first day of testing. GLaDOS could not actually feel tired on the account of not needing sleep, but still somewhat, someway, GLaDOS felt like they needed a coffee. They finished the new test chambers for the portal gun last minute. And that was meant literally. Right now the last panel was adjusted, and it's one minute before normal testing times start.

Of course GLaDOS knew that they didn't actually have to start testing when testing time starts. It's more of a 'during this time you have to be ready' for the test subjects, but GLaDOS could already imagine Nolans annoyingly considered questions like 'Testing started later than usual, did something happen?'

They sighed and switched to the camera feed for Nolans room. "Good morning Nolan. Testing will start shortly, please put on the protective gear and leave the room." Nolan was just finishing a sandwich and nodded instead of replying. After gulping down the last bite he looked up at the camera, "Good morning GLaDOS. Haven't heard you in a while. So what are we testing today?"

"Today the Portal Gun will be tested. Though additionally some other things like the aerial faith plates or the gels will be tested together with the portal device." Nolan nodded, moved towards the closet. Then he stopped, turned to the camera, "-Almost forgot to ask but, what will happen to the breakroom?"

GLaDOS thought on the question a bit. The current plan was just to close it down until there was another break like the former. But there was one extra thing GLaDOS wanted to test with this. Outside of testing the test subjects didn't really have to do anything. There were books provided but the selection was... let's say limited.

And the breakroom might be a nice change of pace to that. After all they can't have Alma destroy anymore books. "For now it will be closed. We will see if and when it gets reopened." Nolan looked a bit sad, maybe he bonded a bit with the other test subjects?

While GLaDOS was thinking about what to do with the break room Nolan already stepped out of the elevator entering the test chamber. "This seems easy en- aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Nolan started screaming while flying through the air. GLaDOS seemed content with themselves.


Elyse was hunched over in a corner holding her stomach. "You good?" GLaDOS asked, a hint of regret could be heard for making the test chambers have this much flying through the air and portals. Though it was quickly replaced by a feeling of accomplishment after remembering all the coffee-errands Elyse send them on. GLaDOS nodded to themselves. 'It's justice, really.'

"'You good?!?' Sure, I'm GREAT, really! I've just been flying through the air for God knows how long and would be puking my guts out if you hadn't put something into my coffee! Can I go to bed now?!?!" Elyse had now sat down on the floor, one hand on her stomach and the other showing all sorts of unmentionable gestures to the camera. She was really asking for trouble at this point.

"I'm sorry, sadly I don't have full say on what goes into the tests" – Partially true. The scientists decided on what objects should be tested. But really, in what way they were tested? Well... -"Though... If you are interested, I might be able to do something about the amount for the following tests." GLaDOS smirked internally. They had an idea.

"Oh really, you think you could do that your highness??? What would I owe you? My left arm and leg?" Apparently, throwing Elyse through the air for an hour or two makes her very sarcastic and bite-y. GLaDOS sighed internally. "Nope. You'll just have to go on a little errand for me in the coming days..." – Elyse looked like they were about to deny but before she could GLaDOS continued speaking – "I'll even throw in some extra free time. What do you say?" GLaDOS smirked knowing there was only one out come to this. Elyse's expression made a full on 180, she looked at the camera and the hand that was making all sorts of indecent gestures just a moment ago gave a big thumbs up. "Sounds great!"


Elyse slumped through the hallway to her room. The big three welcomed her. The doors slid open. There it was. Her bed. Soft, warm, comfy, ... All words it can be described with. Though the most important part for her was that it was very large – Before becoming a test subject her beds were often too small. Not long enough mostly. But this ones like 2.4 meters so enough room to stretch and move around while sleeping.

Elyse face-flopped onto the bed. They weren't sure what that 'Errand' would entail but basically everything would be worth extra free time. Elyse looked over at the alarm clock. 15:34. Rachel would be soo disappointed if she saw me sleeping at a time like this...

Elyse turned around one last time before finally falling asleep with the wishful thoughts of 'GLaDOS' errands can't be that bad'


GLaDOS was doing a spin. Testing went great. They have new footage of Elyse getting flung through the air – The old one was great, don't get them wrong, but it was over used at this point – They secured themselves a test subject for project memory and they got themselves an excuse to start cooperative testing.

Everything was going just great. They even got an excuse to test the new anti-puke medicine or better known as "We can save on the janitors"-Pill. The request was sent in from Paul Sanders to test it out. Apparently he works on stuff like that. It was apparently finished a while ago and they just hadn't gotten to testing it yet. That was one of the reasons why these tests became so... Faith plate-heavy. The other one was Elyse related, but that's not official.

Now there was only one major issue... Actually getting Elyse to their room without the scientists noticing. And they will need to get drives on the way. If any of the scientists check the logs on where the drives were sent it would be weird. Might be able to mask it as an error but it's too risky.

They had stopped spinning at some point. The fact they had to work more again kinda put a bummer on that. They were checking the cameras they had access to. There were some maintenance cat walks around test chambers and offices that could be taken. The detour to the production line would still need to be done, but that takes care of the inconspicuous part for the most part. And if it's timed well on the break times of the workers in the production line it would be perfect.

GLaDOS was quietly laughing to themselves like a villain making their master plan. Or alternatively like a 6 year old child planning to steal the chocolate from the sweets jar without their parents noticing. 

Hi there! Finished this chapter not too long ago. Will be going to x-ray and stuff tomorrow to see if everything's good after surgery. We'll see how that goes! Anyway, have fun reading! Space out

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