The M word (Christmas Special)

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(Note1: Spoilers ahead, check note2 at end)



Early morning. Like every year Nolan was up early again. Like every year GLaDOS send him the fuck back to bed. They didn't need more zombies on Christmas eve.


The main party room had now been completely finished by GLaDOS. GLaDOS's main frame was moved away a bit. Or more accurately the rest of the room was moved down, and the top was closed. In turn a smaller model that was easier to move inside the room was installed and, in the middle, where the main frame was before stood a large Christmas tree. Don't ask where GLaDOS got it from. It's a trade secret.


GLaDOS had now readied the baking ingredients. The kids loved baking. And everyone enjoyed eating the baked goods. Though above everyone else, Nolan loved baking with the kids. Nowadays he has more time doing it between holidays, but back in the more hectic times the holidays were often the only chances he actually got to cook with them.


All the requested snacks had now been prepared. Stuff like chips, chocolate, lemons, sugar canes, stuff like that. Someone did put the request in for combustible lemons... They had told Alma on multiple occasions that 'fun' and 'danger' might often come together, but there should be limits. They sighed... One wouldn't hurt, ri- No. No combustible lemons. Or may- Nope.


GLaDOS was doing the bored spins.


As always, Nolan was the first to enter, and that is ignoring his usual attempt to join GLaDOS in the middle of the night for preparing the celebration. He was closely followed by some more tired individuals. Winter was stretching while yawning. And Alma looked like she had been watching TV until late at night. Again. Now that they were thinking about it, Winter was probably playing late night Video Games again.


Almost everyone was there now. Only one was missing. Elyse. Sometimes GLaDOS wondered what they even gave her the Armodafinil for.


Elyse fell into the room. The coffee was infused via mug.


Once everyone was there the day could officially start. Nolan took the kids off the AI Frame they were climbing on to. Luckily it was by far not as dangerous as the Main Frame. Lot less potential injuries. They soon started baking some stuff. The rest mostly played some of the prepared games or sat in front of the fake fire place and the very real TV. Though the later mostly included Alma- Obsessions.
Winter could be seen holding back in a corner. After a particular Christmas he had sworn to never call Nolan the M word again on Christmas for the good of everyone. And to the luck of everyone he was painfully holding himself back.


The baking had stopped a while ago. Looking at the amount they had enough baked goods to last a whole battalion for a month. Or in other words, just enough for next movie night. The children were powered out at this point – the ones that stopped baking midway went over to the gel room. It's diluted to be safe of course but it's still a lot of fun.
Chell was chilling with her best friend. Nolan, after finishing the cooking, went over to the card table. It had taken Dave a considerable amount of time to get Nolan to even touch card games, but once he was over that hill it became one of his favorite pass times. Besides being a part time M-


Slowly but surely people were gathering around the Christmas tree. It was pretty big, and people weren't entirely sure when put at some point presents appeared under the tree. How? Well GLaDOS might've prepared a little something with panels is all.

The kids were pretty hyped for the presents. Everyone was tasked with at least one other person to get a present for. Though most people got more presents. GLaDOS themselves got everyone one present each. It didn't take long after GLaDOS told everyone to get their presents that the big search began. Sure, GLaDOS could've just told them where their presents are, but let's be honest here, this was way more fun to watch.

The kids were climbing and crawling through mountains and tunnel made up of presents, searching for anything that might look like their name scrawled on a present. Nolan tried to make sure they were safe and ran between all of them looking like a scared parent as always. He looked quite exhausted but actually managed to find a present of his once in a while. Elyse was slowly walking through the mountains of presents, until finding a particular soft one, flopping down on it. GLaDOS would've kicked them of it if it wasn't her own present. Elyse could life another day... for now. It was a weighted blanket.


At this point a lot of presents had been opened. Someone had kicked Elyse of the soft present to check for the name, only to notice it was hers. After noticing that, Elyse actually unpacked it, shortly after going back to sleep in her newfound softness. Who knows if she'll ever discover the other presents like a new pillow, new pjs and a couple coffee mugs.

Alma had been going on and about. One present after the other was perfect. Perfect in feeding her addictions that is. DVDs, coffee mixtures, sadly no explosives. They were banned by GLaDOS. There were some spare remotes though.

Slowly, after people had unpacked some of their own presents, they would get a present for GLaDOS themselves. They had specifically asked for no presents as they don't really need anything. As an AI you don't have many needs. But apparently some people thought it "wasn't right". So slowly but surely presents had accumulated for them. There were a lot of drawings from the kids, some custom oil mixtures, custom cooling liquids, and a few other things.

Nolan had also opened a couple of his presents. There was a card deck, some new weights to train with, some drawings from the kids, and funniest of all, an apron with the caption "#BestM-


Alma was the last to find the last of their presents. It was a small box formed present. GLaDOS actually wasn't sure what was in it... They looked closely while Alma was slowly opening the ribbon. Inside was something slightly yellowish. When the realization hit them, it was already far too late. Alma had a wide grin on her face. "Who gifted Alma combustible lemons-" though it was already far too late. Now all that was left for GLaDOS was to bring the kids to safety. Elyse would have to be cannon fodder. Not all lives could be saved...

That Christmas eve, maniacal laughter could be heard throughout the facility.  

Note2: Hey there and Marry Christmas! Hope you had fun! Also, you might've noticed while reading, but this part is set into the future of the story so it might have some spoilers, though it shouldn't be anything too much. We haven't even gotten to the- 
I should stop myself there, wouldn't want to reveal my future plans too soon. Anyway, I hope you all have wonderful holidays. Space out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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