80 Blueprints

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After all the tests were finished, GLaDOS decided to request some time off from testing to actually work on the Portal Gun. Both the weight and the use time of the gun still need work on. And beside that... There are some side projects they wanted to work on.

A positive side effect of your brain being a multi-cored CPU is that multi-tasking gets a lot easier. GLaDOS took advantage of this by working both on the Portal Gun and the before mentioned side project. Of course, the side project concerned their memory. The moment they first got called out on this problem the feeling of this... void inside their head just hasn't gone away. Sadly, for better or for worse, the scientist hindered them from even viewing the code that makes up "GLaDOS". In other words, they are unable to just look at what's wrong with their memory. Neither can the scientists though. It's too much data for them.

But of course, there still is a way to get access to these files. But only by directly connecting to a port on their main body. The rest of the system is completely blocked out of the underlying files. So their only choice would be to copy data onto an external hard drive for viewing. Though something tells them that they shouldn't bring it up with the scientists... And even then, nothing tells them for certain they will actually be able decipher or even find the memories at all. This problem gave them virtual headaches. Or was the CPU overheating? Nope, temperature stable.

They sighed and their body began to loosely hang from the ceiling.


Nolan was pacing in his room. He had nothing to do with his newly gained free time. There was not much human interaction outside of testing to assure that the test subjects wouldn't get help from the other test subjects. And Nolan already read most of the interesting things provided by Aperture. He sighed and sat on his bed. Other than that, there was of course his worry for GLaDOS. It sounds a bit silly to worry about an AI, doesn't it? In the first place, he wasn't even sure if GLaDOS could have mental problems or worries! And yet, here he was.

Before he got to aperture, he probably would have gone for a run to think about his predicament, but there was hardly anywhere to run here. He tapped his fingers on the bed frame. Suddenly, there was a small 'beep'. An announcement. "I wish all test subjects a good morning. My name is Henry Peterson, supervisor of this testing track. As you all know there will be a one week break from testing. For anyone that wants to do things a break room has been opened. Please note that the break room is monitored and discussion about the testing is forbidden. Have fun!"

Nolan waited for a bit to see if there was anything else before another 'beep' was heard. Nolan thought for a bit if he should go or not. Deciding that he doesn't have anything better to do either way, so he stood up and left his room.

On the floor he already saw two other people. One middle aged man and one very young seeming man. If he didn't know that there were no under aged people in this testing area, he would've probably thought he was 16. They stood in front of the path to the elevator. "Hi there, names Dave. Yours?" the older man said. "My name is Nolan Goodwin, just call me Nolan though." Nolan waved while walking towards them. "I- I'm Peter. Nice to meet you." Peter looked awkwardly between the two others.

Once Nolan was next to them, he looked towards the elevator. Or at least that's what he thought he was looking at. Instead of the elevator there was now a slightly longer tunnel leading towards another door. "Huh... So that's where the break room is, I'm guessing." Nolan stated, gesturing the other two to follow while he walked down the hallway. The other two followed, one more hesitant than the other.

The break room was relatively large, in the middle were three couches forming a U open towards a TV on the opposite side of the door. Left and right were desks with computers installed. Nolan plopped himself on the couch. "So, what did you two do before going to apertu-"

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