Aperture Science Weighted Water Bottle

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After GLaDOS finished showing of her test chambers Henry took a big sip of his coffee mug. "Alright, now that that's finished we will continue with the testing. For the next task..." Henry was again eyeing a button. GLaDOS would have sighed if they could. They will have to try and remember to ask for a sigh function later. Henry pressed the button. "Connecting to test chamber track 01 (TC01)... Connection complete." GLaDOS could feel something that was similar to their body expanding. Like if someone mounted a few extra arms onto someone. Everything controllable. A few more camaras seem also to be at disposable to view the extension of their body.

"Your next task is to build the test chambers you created and start testing. For now, we'll designate 10 people to act as test subjects for you." GLaDOS could see the test subjects henry talked about. They were all lying in chambers that could be connected to the test chambers. They look like private chambers. Though seeing how there are cameras installed they are everything but private. "Now that you have your next task, we won't bother you any further." Henry said while opening the door to leave. GLaDOS got to work quickly. They wanted to see their test chambers in action after all. Luckily using the blueprints it didn't take very long to create them. Around 50 seconds each.

After finishing up the testing track GLaDOS used another function that was added through the connecting of the testing track. Voice transmission. The first test subject was a young man. The file says he used to be an Olympian. "Good morning, Nolan Goodwin. We will begin testing on the new testing track today. I am GLaDOS and will accompany you along the track. If you have any question, feel free to ask." GLaDOS said over voice transmission. Nolan got up. He had a muscular build which was probably due to the fact that he used to be an Olympian. He had black hair and seemed to be more of the quite guy. All he said was "No further questions."

Having finished assessing Nolan, GLaDOS opened the door to the testing track. Nolan looked around the hall a bit acknowledging the other doors behind which the other test subjects were, but then continued on to the elevator leading to the testing track. "In today's testing track we will test the Beta Gel, better known as Propulsion Gel." Nolan nodded while the elevator was moving upwards. While that was happening GLaDOS read up on the testing guidelines and safety protocol for themselves. They had things like 'Don't give hints to puzzle solutions unless it is part of the test, or they take more than twice of the estimated completion time.' Or 'if test subjects are in danger of dying and it is not part of the testing chamber, please stop testing immediately and have them treated if injured'.

GLaDOS acknowledged the guidelines and safety protocols. "As part of a safety protocol for the Beta Gel I have to warn you that moving too fast on the gel towards a wall might break bones. If you feel that one or more of your bones might be broken or fractured please tell us immediately, it is not part of the planned testing experience." GLaDOS said with a bit of sarcasm in their voice at the end. "Will do." Nolan said while giving a small nod. 'He seems to be taking the testing very serious... I wonder why...'

Nolan started out by exploring the different buttons and what they do. He quickly figured out what to do and moved the pipe to cover the ramp with propulsion gel. Using the speed gained through the loss of friction he basically flew over the hole, easily catching the cube in mid-air. He then put it onto the button that opens the door.

"Congratulations on finishing the first test chamber. Please go through the Material Emancipation Grill. It will vaporize any unauthorized equipment that passes through it. For example, the Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube. Please notify us if you feel sudden pains or taste blood in your mouth when going through the Emancipation Grill. That is not part of the planned testing experience." GLaDOS said, again with a bit of sarcasm at the end. Though it could actually happen, the chances of it happening are about 1 in 10^10. Nolan only nodded and went through with little to no hesitation.

It took Nolan about 2 hours to get to test chamber 12. GLaDOS remembered one of the safety protocol points and spoke to Nolan through voice transmission. "As part of Aperture Science Safety Protocol, we are required to ask if you need water to hydrate after two hours of testing. Do you require water to hydrate?" Nolan was quite for a bit and then said "A bit of water would be good. I'd rather not start getting a headache. The tests haven't exactly becoming easier GLaDOS". GLaDOS looked into the storage for something that could be consumed by humans. They found a large amount of water bottles. "An aperture science weighted water bottle will be deployed in... 3... 2... 1... Water Bottle deployed." right as GLaDOS said that, a water bottle fell through a tube right in front of Nolan. "If there currently isn't one of Aperture Science weighted water bottle in front of you, please tell us immediately. A new one will be deployed shortly." Nolan picked up the bottle and said "There is a water bottle here, so no worries. Also, thanks GLaDOS". He then took a big sip out of it. "Will the bottle be destroyed if I go through one of those grills?"

GLaDOS checked the perimeters of the emancipation grill. The answer is, yes, it will. 'But that can be changed'. In a few seconds aperture science weighted water bottles, which were in reality just called water bottles, got added on the list of things authorized to go through the grill. "You will be able to take the Aperture Science Weighted Water Bottle into the next room." GLaDOS said with a smug undertone. Nolan either didn't notice or chose to ignore it and nodded, then started to solve the test chamber. He was quite good at solving them. Well at least GLaDOS didn't see anyone solve these faster than him before. They also didn't see anyone solve these at all before, so they might be a bit biased.

The last test Nolan had to do was the most dangerous of them all. It contained some of Apertures Sentry Turrets. Why? Because GLaDOS got a bit carried away when making it. Though the scientists didn't say anything against it. For safety purposes GLaDOS changed out the bullets with rubber bullets. Though GLaDOS didn't plan to tell Nolan that. "This next test contains Aperture Science Sentry Turrets. Caution is advised while testing. Note that excessive bleeding is not part of the planned testing experience. If the amount of blood you lost exceeds 6 litres please contact your supervisors immediately." GLaDOS tried to sound as monotone as possible.

Nolan looked a bit confused "Sentry Turrets? Will they shoot at me?" Nolan said worriedly. "Aperture Science Sentry Turrets are designed to shoot at all humans in their field of vision unless whitelisted. The test subject 'Nolan Goodwin' is not whitelisted." GLaDOS said, still sounding as monotone as possible. For a moment it seemed like Nolan was going to say something, but then he stopped himself. "Understood." With those words he started the test chamber, seemingly prepared for the worst. GLaDOS felt a bit bad for him.

Only a bit though.

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