Slow Testing

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GLaDOS sighed letting themselves hang from the ceiling. 'Slow.' was the only thought that went through their mind. In their defeated stance they checked on the last test subject that was just about to finish the last test chamber.

'14 hours and 21 minutes. Fourteen hours!' GLaDOS shook their head. They wondered how anyone could be so slow to solve some easy tests. Judging by the average Nolan seemed to be over qualified for this with his finish time of 4 hours and 37 minutes. The closest the other subjects got was the second place Elyse Josephs with 6 hours and 13 minutes.

She seemed to actually find the solution faster than Nolan but lacked the physical capabilities of an Olympian to do them as easily. It said she wasn't very good in school... but that seems to be weird seeing how her mental capabilities are top notch. She was also apparently uncharacteristically quite during the testing. According to the reports she is supposed to be loud and uncompliant. 'Weird' GLaDOS thoughts slowly, then focused back on the test subject.

As the test subject finished GLaDOS played a pre-recorded congratulation message, that they recorded after not being able to bring themselves to congratulate one of the test subjects properly that took over 16 hours to finish. They swiftly opened the elevator for the test subject to return to their personal chamber. There was a white "10" on the door to the chamber. Apparently, the last test subject for today.

They rightened their posture which made loud sounds that echoed through the empty chamber... They would have to ask the scientists for sound proofing later. For now, since all test chambers were completed, new test chambers would be good for the test subjects. Maybe this time easy and advanced ones... The easy ones should be slightly easier than the ones from today, and the advanced ones something to challenge subjects like Nolan and maybe Elyse.

After another 5 test chambers something got painfully clear though. You can only make so many unique test chambers with this limited amount of test chamber parts. I mean even the slower test subjects got a bit bored after around 18 test chambers focusing on Beta Gel with basically no new parts. GLaDOS started to look around their room, finally having gotten completely used to their "new" body. Nothing in the room. There wasn't even a door in... How exactly the scientists worked on them would have to stay a mystery for now.

The cameras they had access to also didn't really give much inspiration for new testing chambers. Then they had an idea- GLaDOS even did a little "jump". Well as much as that was possible while being attached to the ceiling. If the scientists weren't going to give them other things to built their test chambers with, they would just make new things themselves. First, they checked their desktop for any currently on-going projects from the scientists.

There were things like aerial pads that were still being worked on that could be either used to transport objects or people from one point to another by flinging them through the air. In connection to those pads were also specialized gear in the planning phase that could protect people from dying a very painful death the moment they hit the floor. Additionally, to those there were also things like better panels, laser, cubes used to redirect said laser and so on. Though the most interesting thing was in a folder labelled "Portal Technology"

Looking through the current progress on Portal Technology, GLaDOS decided it would be best to first work on the other things as they would be easier to finish and would help them to get a feel for the projects. The improved panels were the easiest. The reason why they weren't finished yet was most likely because they weren't needed that badly. Though in terms of usefulness for test chambers they were pretty damn good.

The Aerial Plates were pretty much finished already, they only needed some more fine tuning. The gear however had a lot more things to be worked on. The gear was supposed to be made up of 4 main parts. Head, upper body, lower body and feet. The thing for the head would have to be something that for one doesn't break easily and two absorbs the shock of any potential falls. The things for the upper and lower body would mostly have to cushion the fall since it has to be moved and can't be too hard because of it. The boots would have to be able to absorb shock and be easy to walk in-

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