1/16 of a picosecond

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"Good morning GLaDOS!" Henry seemed awfully enthusiastic today. "Good morning, Henry. Is something going on for you to be alone here today?" GLaDOS turned towards Henry, rightening their posture. They usually left the main body just hanging around when no one else was in the room. It happened more than once that a scientist thought GLaDOS crashed or something and almost panicked just to be jump-scared by GLaDOS suddenly moving and talking to them.

"The rest of the team is currently 'sick'... a lot of Aperture personal is to be precise." Henry's enthusiasm seemed to vanish for a while, just to reappear right after "Well none the matter! You might not believe this, but we had a grand breakthrough regarding the portal technology! We have finally managed to create two stable portals for a whole 2 minutes! And none of the test subjects died!" GLaDOS ignored the implications the last sentence had and focused on the positive aspects. Optimism at its finest.

"That is great to hear. So what brings you here today instead of celebrating with your colleagues? The ones that aren't sick of course." GLaDOS tried their very best not to sound too excited, but truth be told they were ready to defy physics and jump while being attached to the ceiling. GLaDOS wasn't sure why, but even the mentioning of portals got them excited. "Well about that..." Henry started to search for something in his pockets until finally... "Tada!" he pulled out a disk.

"...?" GLaDOS was slightly confused. "Oh right... give me a second" He plopped the disk into a disk reader connected to GLaDOS' computer interface. "Tada!" Henry said as the disk had finished uploading all it's data to the computer. "This is all the info we have on portal technology up until now. All test data, all blueprints, future plans, everything!" If GLaDOS still had eyes they would have been filled with stars. They were now about as excited as a kid in an ice cream shop after being told they could eat everything they wanted.

"So? Interested on helping us work on developing the Portal Technology?" Henry asked with a smirk probably already knowing the answer. 1/16 of a picosecond later GLaDOS replied with an excited "Yes!" Henry laughed a bit at the reaction "I knew you would be on board. Well, you can check the folders ASHPD and ASGDPD for the projects you can focus on for now. One of them is for a smaller version of the portal device that can be held in hand. The other one is something for great distances where you can enter coordinates relative to the device to open portals to. The folder names stand for 'Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device' and 'Aperture Science Great Distance Portal Device' respectively." GLaDOS brimmed with excitement, but tried to contain it as much a they could until henry was gone.

"I will start working on the ASHPD project first. Was that all?" GLaDOS asked, trying to appear as calm as possible to not hurt their image any further. "I don't thin- Oh wait one last thing. Once at least half of the team is ready to work again I have one more surprise for you, so you can look forward to that already. Anyway, cya later they probably expect me at the party." Henry stepped towards the door. "Goodbye Henry." As henry closed the door, his smile dropped, and he let out a sigh. "If they get ready for work again..."


It took GLaDOS a bit to calm down. A bit equalling to about 200 spins of the main frame and watching some of the footage of Elyse getting thrown through the air and crashing against walls. Always good to calm the nerves. Then they started looking through all the files left by Henry. There was a lot of very useful and interesting data in them. They quickly started to put together one of the successful stationary portal device prototypes together and build them into an unused testing track to see the workings of the portals first hand.

The portals worked about as you would expect them to work. Things go into portal one and come out of portal two and vice versa. It got interesting once you changed the speed at which the objects went in though. Through the portal you could easily change downward velocity to forward velocity and vice versa. That was worth experimenting with, but for now they would focus on trying to a) remove functions that are not completely necessary for a handheld device and b) try and make the things that are necessary as small as possible. And lastly c) adding the things needed to make it a handheld device.

Right now, the ASPD only works on designated portal areas. So, you can't just open the portals wherever. The ASHPD should be able to open portals on any surface though. How that would be achieved is as of yet unknown. So, for now GLaDOS would try their best to make smaller versions of the portal device.

The first thing that was thrown out was the inbuilt coffee dispenser that was for whatever reason added to the ASPD. GLaDOS sighed internally once they spotted said coffee dispenser. Next was the inbuilt sandwich maker. GLaDOS slowly but surely lost all faith in the scientists. The first actual feature to be removed was the part that allowed for more than 2 portals to exist. It took way too much space, and it would be enough if the ASHPD could place two portals.

For now, they pushed task C before B. Knowing how the ASHPD would create portals on any surface would be very important to know how to make the device smaller.

It took GLaDOS around a week to finish the first prototype for the ASHPD. It wasn't really "handheld" but whatever. The first step was made. It could open portals on any surface, and it wasn't as big as a computer from the 1940s. If it was just a bit smaller Nolan might even be able to lift it without breaking his back. The device managed to open portals on most surfaces, though sadly they were very unstable.

GLaDOS started to look into if the original ASPD also had similar problems. After digging through some of the reports and change logs, they finally found something. 'Portals after creation very unstable. Solution yet to be found.' After looking a bit further, GLaDOS found what made the difference. 'Portal Surfaces: 1) Smooth Concrete 2) Moonrock (Plagioclase Feldspar)'

Looking into the material list confirmed it. 'Portal Surface Material 2 used' GLaDOS started to create a chamber where one side was made out of smooth concrete and the other out of moonrock. It seems like Aperture bought a lot of the stuff not too long ago.

And as they guessed, the ASHPD protype worked in the room. When you tried to create a portal while two were already there it didn't work. You would have to first destroy one of the portals. That was a bit annoying, but the important part is that it works. GLaDOS did another 200 spins of the main frame for old times sake, and then send a message to Henry saying that the first prototype of the ASHPD was ready for testing.

Suprise! Have another chapter! Why? Portal 2 birthday! So yeah, I doped myself with 2 cups of coffee and created this because of said birthday. Also, if I ever again don't upload chapters for a prolonged time, you can try and check my announcements. Chances are that I posted some infor on why there! Anyway, space out and cya when I upload the next chapter!

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