Advanced Testing

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"Bootup Initiated." The announcer said. For GLaDOS it seemed like no time passed at all, but looking at the tired expressions on the Scientists faces, that didn't seem to be the case. "Good 'morning' GLaDOS" Henry said, putting a lot of emphasis on the word 'Morning'. "Bootup complete." The announcer finished.

GLaDOS looked at the time on their virtual desktop. 23:12 (Or like 11:12 pm). "Good evening, Henry and Nelson." It seemed like Doug and Paul had already left. "We just finished the modifications to your body. Care to try them out?" Henry said, with a tired but still a bit excited smile on his face. GLaDOS started to move around. Compared to before there was almost no sound. If you listened you could still hear it, though it was worlds better than before. "Thank you for the soundproofing, Henry" GLaDOS looked over to the two scientists. "Hey now, it's not like he did all the work" Nelson said, playfully glaring at Henry and GLaDOS. "In that case, thank you too Nelson."

If not for the nonexistence of a mouth, GLaDOS would probably be smiling. "Well then, is there anything I need to take care of overnight? I assume you are going to go to sleep for now." GLaDOS said while turning and moving to test out the soundproofing. "You would be right that we are going to go home soon. For now it would be great if you were to finish the Protection Gear and design some test chambers with the new parts that you designed. About 20 would probably suffice. We'll also give you access to the Alpha Gel and the production line. You can use the Alpha Gel for the test chambers and send any blueprints to the production line." Henry said while already pressing a button on the control station.

"Connecting to Alpha Gel pump station and production line." The announcer said and already a few seconds afterwards the confirmation that it was successful came. "Also, we might not be as early tomorrow, so you can start testing starting around 9:00 am." Henry said while waving and leaving the room together with nelson, both carrying around 6 empty coffee mugs each. Henry took one last sip before the door closed. First thing GLaDOS did was pull up information on the Alpha Gel.

[Alpha Gel or also commonly referred to as Repulsion Gel is a gel that makes things jump of off it's surface. The higher the speed the object or person hits it with the farther they will be thrown away. This product was originally planned to be a dietetic pudding since it would jump out of a person's body before they could digest it. For reasons such as the breaking of bones because of the bouncing the product was ultimately taken down from the shelfs and is currently in testing to become a way to move vertically more easily.]

'What's up with these people and deadly diet food? Did Cave become overweight? Wait who is Cave???' A lot of questions ran through GLaDOS' mind, but in light of their task they decided to ignore them. They finished the first plan of the protection gear and send the blueprints over to the production line. It took a few hours to finish the Gear so GLaDOS started to work on the test chambers. It was already around 8:30 when the 10 prototypes were finished.

In the last 30 minutes they assembled the test chambers. Once they are finished, they turned on the camera feed for the quote: "private" chambers. Most of the test subjects were just standing up. Elyse was still asleep... the clock was lying broken on the floor... Nolan on the other hand was apparently already completely finished, sitting on his bed looking slightly bored. "Good morning, Nolan Goodwin." GLaDOS announced through the voice transmission.

"So, it's you again today, eh? Yesterday the scientist took over the testing again. They didn't comment at all on what happened to you." Nolan said, sounding somewhat relieved. "If you want to know why I was out of commission yesterday, they needed to do some maintenance. Other than that, my work was assessed positively by the scientists. So, I will most likely be overseeing most future tests." GLaDOS explained. Nolan nodded and replied "What will we do today then?"

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