Chapter 1

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'Ah, what a wonderful afternoon it is' Captain Barnacles thought to himself as he stood in front of the tube in the HQ. But, all of a sudden he heard someone yell;

"YEOW! CAP'N WATCH OUT!" In a mere second Barnacles turned around, just to get hit and fall on his back. Apparently Kwazii, yelled watch out because he was coming down the tube, and Captain Barnacles was standing right in front of it. "Ngh" "Oww" Barnacles was on his back while Kwazii was laying atop of him. Kwazii sat up to where he's not laying on top of the captain, but more like straddling him. They both froze, faces somehow getting pink. All of a sudden, Kwazii's ears perked and he jumped up off the Captain. The next second Dashi walked in. Kwazii put his paw out for Barnacles to grab.

"Sorry there, Cap'n! I didn't know you were there!" Kwazii said in his usual cheery voice. Captain Barnacles took Kwazii's paw and got up.

"It's okay Kwazii, I was the one standing in front of the tube."

Dashi still stood there. Confused.

The rest of the day went by normal. But eventually it got late and Dashi set the Octopod down to go to sleep. Everyone went to bed and started to sleep peacefully. Soon enough it was the middle of the night.

"Mm, ehh" Kwazii kept mumbling, twisting, and turning in his sleep. His nose scrunched and his eyes drilled shut. His breath started to increase and get a bit crazy. Kwazii jolted awake. His body shot up into a sitting position. The poor Calico was sweating, he had beads coming down his forehead and neck. He looked around meanwhile he looked helpless. Kwazii sighed, and slowly got out of his bed. He grabbed a flashlight from his nightstand, nothing else, not even his eyepatch, and quietly went down the tube. Trying his hardest not to wake the captain, whose room sat right next to the cat's. He then snuck past Tweak in the launch bay and hopped in the Gub B. He wasn't to worried about the bunny waking up. She tends to be in a deep sleep at this time, but he still remained careful. He started the engine of the Gup and looked at Tweak as she stirred in her bed. Once she stopped moving he hopped out of the Gup and grabbed a air tank and hopped back in. He tried his best to be quiet driving the Gup B away. Once he reached the Octohatch he put his helmet on and got out of the Gup B to press the big red button by the door to open it without Tweaks Help. He got back in and started to drive away.

His mind was racing. He soon stopped the Gup right next to a small island about a 25 minute drive away from the Octopod, to clear his mind. Hours, that felt like minutes gone by and the sun started rising.
'I should get back to the Octopod before anyone wakes up' Kwazii thought to himself. He stood up and got into the Gup B, and started to drive towards the Octopod. His mind was still going crazy, He kept thinking about the dream, nightmare, he had. His eyes started to water, and his vision was getting blurry. Not thinking about it, he started to speed up.

One thing happened after another.

But what happened wasn't good.


Everything then went black for the Calico Cat.


Everyone started to wake up slowly.

And Tweak was yet to risen from her slumber. Everyone else thought Kwazii was asleep aswell.

"Is Kwazii still sleeping?" The Captain asked.

"Yes, Captain. I believe so." Dashi responded spinning in her chair to face him.

"Really? That's not usual for him. He likes to be up to explore 24/7"

"It dosen't surprise me to much, Captain" Shelington said as he walked into the HQ.

"Why's that?" Barnacles asked as he turned his body to face the otter.

"Because, Cats tend to have weird sleep schedules. Cats are also known as 'crepuscular'; meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn. Which also translates to; a crepuscular animal is when an animal is active during night time and day time. Cats are also known to be taking naps all the time. So, what I'm saying, Captain, is that perhaps Kwazii was up a bit later than usual last night." Shelington spoke with a smile. Captain Barnacles smiled then nodded.

"Maybe you're right. No need to worry about him for now."

One hour later Tweak came into the HQ.

"Has anyone, specifically Kwazii, left this morning?" Tweak asked.

Everyone shook their heads no.
"No, I'm sorry, Tweak. No one has left the Octopod today. Kwazii is still resting." Barnacles told her.

"Really? Have you checked on him? It's unusual for him to still be asleep." She said.

"We probably should do that, Peso, could you please go check on him?"

"Yes, right away, Captain." Peso started to run to the tube to go to Kwazii.

"Also, Tweak. Why'd you ask?" Shelington asked.

"Oh, last night I was up a bit late fixing the Gup B. Kwazii had told me it needed some fixen. So when I was finished fixing it, I had left it out when I went to bed. It's gone."

"Oh, okay." Everyone was silent

"Wait, what?" Barnacles asked.

"The Gub B isn't here right now."
Just then Peso came running into the HQ

"Guys.. Kwazii isn't in his bed!" Peso said panicking.

"Dashi!" CB yelled

"I'm trying to get ahold of him, but it won't let me. We have lost contact with the Gup B currently captain.." she looked at him and he had a serious look on his face. She spun back around to face the computers.
"I'm opening the Gup finder right now, Captain" next the map of the area was up on the big screen. It showed the Gup B wasn't to far away.

"Peso, sound the Octoalert!" Peso pressed the big button that had a octopus on it, and everywhere through the Octopod you could hear it.
"Octonauts, To the Launch Bay!"

All Octonauts except for Kwazii were in the Launch Bay.

"Octonauts! The Gup B and Kwazii are out somewhere where we cannot get ahold of them. Kwazii has been missing all morning. Peso, in the Gup C! Dashi, I need you to send the last known location of the Gup B to the Gup C."

"Yes sir" Peso and Dashi said un unison.

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