Chapter 9

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915 reads? You guys are going to be the death of me, in a good way <3

It was about damn time I got this done. Wow! It's been exactly a month since my last REAL update. March 26th, it's now April 26th.

Recently I've had this strange love for the electric guitar.
Can you play any instrument? If so, which one?


There Kwazii sat. He went to the end of the corridor, and into a room. Oh, how much he regrets that. He saw something.. and he doesn't fully know how to feel about it. Does he care? Should he care? Should he not? He ran back out, and into to Gup. That's where we are now. He's sitting on the floor in the back. He already took his helmet and his air tank off. He could hear his radio, he could hear him calling for him.. but he couldn't.. he was too confused on this whole situation. Ofcourse, he felt bad, he knew the Captain would be worrying right about now. He felt very guilty. But even if he wanted to radio the Captain back, he just didn't, and couldn't talk right now. After a few minutes, Kwazii was able to regain himself. He hit the Gups radio and started talking.

"Captain? Come in, Captain." He said.

"Barnacles here, Kwazii? Where are you?"

"I'm in the Gup. My helmet radio wasn't working right." Kwazii didn't want to lie. But... okay, he didn't need too, but it felt like he did. He didn't want to tell the Captain what happened, or what he saw. Not yet atleast. He needs to figure out how to feel first.

"Okay, you worried me, Kwazii."

"Ah, sorry, Cap'n! Come back to the Gup, I'm waiting here for you." Kwazii let go of the radio with a click. He sighed and looked around. The Captain is observant, this, he knew. Kwazii started to think of things he could tell the Captain, if he asked why Kwazii was acting strange. Kwazii isn't stupid or dumb.. He knows, or atleast very strongly thinks the Captain will realize somethings wrong, like he usually does. Kwazii's thinking got cut off by Barnacles jumping through the hatch.

"Kwazii! Did you find anything in your room?" He asked. Kwazii froze. He didn't say anything, or look away from the Captain's eyes. Barnacles was confused, he knew that Kwazii found something he wished he didn't.

"Huh? Oh, uh, no. Nothing special, just an old ship." Kwazii stated with a soft smile. Barnacles nodded unsurely. He also knew, that if Kwazii didn't want others to know, he wouldn't say anything, so, Barnacles didn't say anything about it. He wanted to respect the cat. Barnacles walked up to the controls.

"Ready to go back?" He asked. Kwazii nodded. He was looking out the window, in what looks like, deep thought. Barnacles took his eyes off the cat, to in front of himself. He moved his paws and pressed a few buttons, then put his paws on the steering wheel. He started to drive back to the Octopod.
After a few minutes of silence, someone decided to speak.

"It's unfortunate we didn't find anything, huh?" Barnacles tried to strike up a conversation. Kwazii looked at him.

"Yeah, sad.." Kwazii spoke short and simple. Captain Barnacles sighed. He took the Gup to a complete stop, before looking over at the very obviously confused cat.

"Alright, I wasn't going to ask... but it's getting concerning. What'd you find, Kwazii?" Barnacles said in a serious tone of voice. Kwazii's eyes widened. He tried to remember the few things he came up with to tell his Captain, in this exact situation.

"There was a dolphin skeleton in there. Just kinda shook me up I guess.." Kwazii kept the eye contact. Kwazii also knew that the chance of the Captain not believing him, would decrease if Kwazii's eyes jumped around. After a few seconds that felt like years, Barnacles broke eye contact and looked forward. He started driving again.

"If you say so.. remember, Kwazii.. if you ever want to talk, I'm here." Kwazii nodded in understanding. Kwazii felt horrible. He hated lying to his Captain. The guilt eats him alive.
"Just a question.. if it was just that, why didn't you tell me when I asked if you found anything?" Kwazii stayed silent for a moment more. He knew that if he lied again, he'd be digging himself further and further in a lying hole. But, he didn't want to tell the Captain he just lied to him about the dolphin skeleton..

"I-I was still processing it.." Kwazii replied sadly. Barnacles nodded. The rest of the drive was silent. It wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Once they got back to the Octopod, Kwazii jumped out of the Gup fastly.

"Oh, hey Kwaz! Did you find-" Tweal was cut off by Kwazii running out. Tweak looked at Barnacles confused.
"What's up with him?" She asked.
"He never acts like that." Barnacles sighed.

"We split up on the ship, I went one way, while he went the other. Once I finished looking I tried to radio him, he wasn't answering, after a few minutes he was trying to radio me with the Gups radio. He said he found a dolphin skeleton and it shook him a bit..." Barnacles looked unsure.

"I know that face... what are you thinking?" She asked him.

"I think he's lying.. but I already asked him a lot of questions, I don't want to be a burden."

"What do you mean 'lying'?"

"I mean I don't think he saw a dolphin skeleton. I think he saw something else or found something. He just doesn't want me or us to know.. I'm unsure why though." Tweak looked at him shocked. She slowly nodded her head.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because.. the way he's acting isn't normal. I don't think a skeleton of a dolphin could shake him up so much." Barnacles got fully out of the Gup.
"I'm going to my room for the night. Goodnight, Tweak."

"Goodnight, Cap! Also, don't think about it too much. I don't think Kwazii would keep whatever he's keeping a secret for to long, if he wasn't telling the truth that is." She said with a soft smile. Barnacles nodded his head. He started to make his way to his room. Once he arrived he changed into his PJ'S and just sat on his bed. He was confused. But also not at the same time. He layed down and got under his covers. His head was racing a million miles per hour. He didn't know what to think or believe. Should he trust what Kwazii said?

Barnacles remainder of the night, was sleepless. Not a wink.


Thank you for reading! The charades shall go on! This was a bit rushed, and may not make full sense, but it's much better than what I had originally written down. Like the old one was very cringey and I had a hard time reading it. T^T

Anywho, I hope you liked this one! Who knows when the next chapter will come out, knowing me and my update schedule, probably a while.


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